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    Trusting God in Everything

    Proverbs 3:5-6 reads (5) Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; (6) in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. When I read this scripture, it says only one thing to me. I am to trust God no matter what! No matter how big the problem may be or how bad the situation or circumstance you may be facing. Trust Him no matter what the doctor says, when there’s more bills than money. No matter what we are faced with, we have to learn to trust God in it and through it all. Even if we don’t understand…

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    Has Your Fire Gone Out?

    Do you remember when you first gave your life to Christ? How excited you were. You wanted to tell everybody and get everybody saved. I remember when I gave my life to Christ. It was so amazing and all I talked about was the Bible. Reading my Bible everyday and on fire for God. Having a lot of conversations with my Mom about what I was reading. I was so excited. This is what most of us experience when we first become Christians. We are so on fire and all we want to do is be a witness for Christ. Telling everybody that will listen to us about Jesus and…

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    Living a Life of Integrity

    The definition of integrity: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. Simply put, always choose to do the right thing no matter what or who’s watching. I always say, if the decision or choice is too hard. Think about it this way. What would Jesus have done? Jesus always did the right thing. No matter what, where He was or who was there. So if we were to always think about what Jesus would have done. We would always choose to do the right thing. Then living a life of integrity would be easy. Being a person of your word is very important. If you…

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    Keeping God in Your Marriage

    Happy Friday every one. Today I would like to talk about marriage. How to have a happy marriage. A marriage that includes God. Make your marriage about God, by keeping God in your marriage. Because God is greater than any problem or stress in your marriage or relationship. So lets think about what I’ve listed below: You can be happily married if the reason you are married is greater than any problem you are having or stress you are feeling. Ask yourself, why did I get married and why am I still married? Are you safe to love? Can your spouse love you, trust you, be open with you, and…

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    If Not the Church, Who?

    Have you ever attended a church and was glad when the service was over? From the time you walked in the door, you began to feel very uncomfortable. There were not a lot of smiling faces nor pleasant greetings. The usher didn’t seem to be too thrilled about showing you to a seat. When you sat down, people moved over when you had more than enough room. Then of course, let’s not forget the stares and whispers. I read some articles and posts on facebook this past week about church people being mean. People were saying this is the very reason why they no longer attend church. Because of the…

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    What Kind of Christian Are You?

    I ask this question because I see people that call themselves a Christian. Although their attitudes and personalities are far from being Christ like. I have listed below a few of these different types of Christians: Let’s say you are out and about and see a person asking for a little help. Are you the kind of Christian that sees this person in need, but you get real busy as not to see them. You know, pretend to talk on your phone as you pass and not pay them any attention. You don’t see them, you don’t hear them, it’s like they don’t exist to you. There’s a person in…

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    A Prayer For Our Children

    Today’s blog will be a little different. I would like to dedicate today’s blog to our children. Our children are in trouble and we need to pray for them and keep them lifted up in prayer. Every time you turn on the news, there is a child missing, bullied, abused, molested, beaten, raped or dead. We used to only have to warn our children about strangers. Don’t talk to strangers and don’t take anything from strangers. If a stranger tells you to get in the car with them, don’t. Scream and run as fast as you can so someone will notice you. They were instructed not to go into a…

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    The Bible – God’s Word

    I’ve heard people say that the letters BIBLE stands for “Believers Instructions Before Leaving Earth.”  Well when you read and study your Bible, that’s exactly what it is, Gods instructions to us on how to live a Godly Christian Life, the way He intended.  A blessed life, Godly and prayer filled homes, happy marriages, respectful children, abundant finances, good health and love over flowing.  Then we decided we don’t have time to sit and read and study the Bible, and the all time favorite excuse, I don’t read the Bible because I don’t understand it.  So now, that God Filled Life that God intended for us to live has changed,…

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    I Don’t Know How To Pray

    Over the years, I have had a lot of conversations with a lot of different people. In listening to them talk, at some point in the conversation they begin to share things they are going through. My question to them would always be, “have you prayed about it?” Sometimes their reply would be, “yes, I have prayed about it or no, I have not prayed about it because I don’t know how to pray.” There is not a day that goes by that I am not praying about something. Sometimes, I’m just sitting and talking to my Heavenly Father, because basically that’s what prayer is to me. Talking to and…

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    Are You Too Busy For God?

    If your answer was yes to the question in the title, then you are way too busy. God gives us 24 hours in a day and you should spend one of those hours with Him. That one hour you spend with God would make the other 23 hours so much better. People say, between work, home and kids they have no extra time. To get everything done they need to get done, they could use more than 24 hours. Well guess what? God knew what we needed before we actually knew. So, if He only gave us 24 hours in a day, apparently that’s all He knew we would need.…