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    Will You Be Ready?

    Last year I watched a movie titled “Sunday Morning Rapture.” I was searching for a Christian movie to watch. During and after watching this movie, it really made me think about my Christian walk. I even had my husband watch it when he came home, so I watched it twice. In this movie, people were going about their everyday lives, just like we are doing today. Some people were Christians and some were not, some people were believers and some were not. Because you can say you are a Christian and still not be a believer. There were Christian families that had a lot of the same problems we are…

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    Give It To God and Leave It

    Well, we made it through another glorious week and it is Friday. I pray everyone had a safe and Happy 4th of July. Last year I was blessed to do a one day Women’s Retreat at my church. I had the ladies to participate in an activity at the very beginning and I would like to share it with you. When everyone was seated, they were given a piece of paper and pen and instructed to make a list. When finished with that list, they were all given to me. So, let us begin. First you need a piece of paper and a pen. Then on this piece of paper,…

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    Christians With Benefits

    Anyone who has been employed and worked for a company has received some type of benefits. Usually health, dental, vision, life and whatever else the company offers. The company pays for a percentage and you pay the remaining balance of the cost for the benefits. Which is usually very expensive. Being a Christian, you are offered another set of benefits. God supplies these benefits to you at no charge, because the price has already been paid in full. These benefits come with knowing God and believing in His Son Jesus Christ, accepting Him as your Lord and Savior. Take a minute and read over the God supplied benefits below: Psalm…

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    Enjoy Your Journey

    Happy Monday! I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend and ready to start a new week with God. So, lets put on our happy faces today and make someone else smile. Every Sunday morning and some Saturday mornings, I start my weekly journey to the country. The drive is about 45 minutes to an hour and I so enjoy it. When I exit the interstate and start down those back country roads, it is amazing. Sometimes I will let my window down a little to enjoy the fresh country air. I take my time and enjoy all of the scenery and aromas. I notice how green the trees…