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    Spiritual Cleansing

    Good Morning, Good Morning, Good Morning. How is everyone doing this very cold morning? Take the time to pray and consult God about your day and bundle up to stay warm. Make sure those babies have on their coats, covered heads and gloves before heading off to school. Praise God. Well, we have made it through January, making it through the month of February. March is right around the corner taking us into Spring, actually March 19th. This is when a lot of people start their Spring Cleaning. There’s the cleaning out of closets, rooms, attics, basements, garages, yards and etc. Whatever has been sitting around all year cluttering, collecting…

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    We Have To Forgive

    Good Monday Morning, I pray everyone had a blessed and restful weekend. I am sure a lot of you watched the Superbowl Game Sunday and hoping your chosen team would win. So, I hope that went well for you. This morning I would like to share a message I shared on a prayer line last year. I had saved it in my file on my computer so I just copied and pasted it on my blog. It’s not that long of a read, it just appears that way because it is all capitalized. I have posted on the importance of forgiving last year, but I would like to post on…