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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Afternoon Blog Family. Well, today is Friday’s Prayer and I feel it in my heart to re-post Psalm 91, our prayer of protection. Since Texas and other states numbers are going up everyday, we definitely need to stand on Psalm 91. My daughter and I make one run a week to the grocery store and that is it. I stay home, and when I go out I wear my mask and I have hand sanitizer and gloves in the car. I do everything I can do to stay safe and to keep others safe and trust God over things I have no control over. So, please take your…

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    Find Your Life Verses

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. How’s everyone doing this glorious morning? I pray everyone’s having a blessed and safe week so far. I know that I am and I know that it will continue because God is in control. Thank You Jesus. Well, this morning I woke up very early and I decided to go ahead and read my devotion and my scriptures. As I finished reading, I reminded the Holy Spirit that I needed my blog information for this mornings blog. Then I started doing some research on scriptures and standing on God’s Holy Word. I took that as I was being given my blog topic and information. So,…

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    What An Awesome Life This Would Be

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend and ready for a new week in the Lord. Ready to let the world see Jesus in us. Allowing the world to see what they could have if they just surrender their lives over to Him. Praise His Holy Name. Every now and then I will share a praise and worship song in my blog that really moves me. I came across this song last week and I have listened to it over and over because of what it is saying. Last night during my prayer time I asked he Holy Spirit for my blog information…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. Well, we have made it through another week. Praying that everyone’s still safe and blessed in the Lord. Hallelujah. Today is my favorite day, Friday’s Prayer and today I would like to share a prayer that someone posted on my facebook page. Please read and pray the prayer with me below: The whole World should be praying this right now … I got all choked up, as I prayed it.Let’s bow our heads and pray: Eternal Father, You made the whole World stop spinning for awhile. You silenced the noise that we all have created. You made us bend our knees again and ask for…

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    Trusting And Believing God

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone’s having a safe and blessed week so far. Putting and keeping the Lord in everything we do. Praise God. This morning I just wanted to remind you again the importance of trusting God in and with your everyday life. Not just trusting Him, but also believing His Word. There is no way possible to get through these days and times without God. You may think you got everything under control on your own but you don’t. That’s just another lie the devil has given you and you believed it. I know that I am consistently posting about trusting and believing God. Why? Because…

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    Will You Be Ready?

    Good Monday Afternoon Blog Family. Praying everyone had an awesome weekend and was able to stay cool. It has been really hot these past few days. Starting a new week following Jesus and being blessed. Praise God. A couple of years ago I watched a movie titled “Sunday Morning Rapture.” I was searching for a Christian movie to watch. During and after watching this movie, it really made me think about my Christian walk. I even had my husband watch it when he came home, so I watched it twice. This movie made me take inventory of my life as a Christian and made me aware of things I should…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed week. Staying connected to God in prayer and just some good alone time with God. Just spending some good quality time with Him and being in His Presence. I know there is no other place I would rather be than in the Presence of my Heavenly Father. Praise God. Well, today I would like to do something a little different today. usually on Friday’s Prayer, I pray for myself and everyone else. Today, I would like to give you an opportunity to pray and say thank you. This is where you will take a moment and write…

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    Anointed And Set Apart

    Good Wednesday Afternoon Blog Family. We are half way through another glorious week and I pray everyone is doing well. Keeping your eyes on Jesus and not all that is going on around you. Praise God. This morning I want to talk to you about the anointing oil in the bible and what it was used for then and what we should be using it for now. In reading about the anointing oil in bible days, the oil had sanctifying (cleansing) properties. Whenever the oil was used on a person or thing, that person or thing had then become set apart and blessed of the Lord. The anointing oil was…

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    Start Your Day With God

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend. Ready to start a new week in the Lord, I know I am. Praise the name of Jesus. Thank You Lord. I was reflecting back on a teaching I recently heard on the importance of giving God your first every morning. Starting your day with Him before you start anything else. I was thinking, that was the very reason I named my blog site “Mornings With God” and my blog “agodmorning.com. Because it is very important to start your day with God, very important. I have found in my own personal life and walk with God.…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. Well, we have made it through another week. Thank You Jesus. Today for Friday’s Prayer I would like to just pray what’s on my heart this morning. Father God I come to You in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. Thanking You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all You have done, all You are doing and all You will do. Thanking You not just for You do in our lives, but for who You are in our lives. Father, I ask and thank You every morning to wash and cleanse us and protect us through the blood of Jesus. Not…