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    Are You Speaking Blessings or Curses Into Your Life?

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a blessed Wednesday morning. Half way through another blessed week and praising God everyday. This morning I would like to talk about what we are speaking into our lives. Are we speaking blessings or curses? I wonder if people ever pay attention to what’s being said when they talk? Sometimes we say things out of habit because that’s what we have gotten custom to saying. When we speak things into our life, we are prophesying over ourselves, whether it’s positive or negative. Mark 11:23 reads, “For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, “Be removed and be cast…

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    Are You Too Busy For God?

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend and ready for an even more awesome week in the Lord. I have known a lot of people over the years who absolutely dread Monday mornings and looking ahead to Friday. You should look forward to everyday, because that is another day God has blessed you to see and be a part of. God is so good to us and He loves us so much. Praise His Holy Name. This morning you may recognize this blog from May of 2019, when I first started my blog site. That is for those that started this journey with…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. Well, we have made it through another week, still safe and blessed. God is so good and I thank Him everyday for His goodness. Because if it had not been for the Lord on my side, where would I be? I love that song. Praise the Mighty Name of Jesus. Today for Friday’s Prayer I would like to share some Word with you this morning. I know that I usually pray on Friday’s, but I wanted to share some of what I read during my devotion this morning. As you read it, you can very easily pray it as I did. I love when I…

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    Satan – The Father Of Lies

    Good Wednesday Morning. I pray everyone’s having a safe and blessed week so far. Ready to walk that walk and talk that talk this morning and all through the rest of the week. Also praying for everyone that has been in the paths of these hurricanes and flooding’s. We have been getting rain for the past couple of days, but not the way some places have. So, please keep them in your prayers. In my blogs, I am mostly talking about and lifting up the name of our Heavenly Father God, our Lord and Savior Jesus and our Helper the Holy Spirit. This morning I want to put out a…

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    What Kind Of Christian Are You?

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray you and your families had a safe and blessed weekend. Ready to take on another awesome week, staying on the path that was chosen for you. Seeking God in everything and all things in order to have a blessed week. This morning, the title of my blog is in the form of a question. I ask this question because I see people that call themselves a Christian. Although their attitudes and personalities are far from being Christ like. They are very selfish and not concerned with anyone but themselves. They make everything about them, not about Jesus. I have listed below a few…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed week. Keeping God in everything and seeking Him about everything. Going before Him in prayer everyday and being obedient to His Word. Today is Friday’s Prayer and I want to share something a little different this morning about prayer and praying. Bless the Mighty Name of Jesus. Over the years, I have had a lot of conversations with a lot of different people. In listening to them talk, at some point in the conversation they begin to share things they are going through. My question to them would always be, “have you prayed about it?” Sometimes their…

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    Giving God Your First and Your Best

    Good Wednesday Morning. Well, we have made it half way through the week once again. Being a part of another day that God has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Given another opportunity to show Him how much we appreciate Him and our many blessings. Showing Him how much we love Him with the way we live our lives through His Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. This morning I want to talk about giving God your first and best in everything. When I say everything, I mean everything. Giving God your best life, your best self, your best time, your best tithe (10% or more),…

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    The Holy Spirit – God’s Spirit

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a blessed, safe and restful weekend. Ready to start another glorious week in the Lord. Being a good representation of who God is to you and in your life. This morning I would like to talk to you about the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity. The Trinity is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit which is one God in three Divine Persons. The Father is God, the Son is Jesus and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. So, now we can move on to talk about the third Divine Person of the Trinity, the…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone’s doing well and still in good spirits. Spending that quality one on one time with God in prayer. Spending time with your family in prayer as well. What the caronavirus meant for bad, lets turn it around and use it for the Glory of God. Instead of repeating all the negative news the media’s reporting everyday. Let’s talk about how big our God is and how nothing is too hard for Him. This too shall pass. Let’s give God all of the praise and honor and glory in this storm. Praise God. Father God I come to You in the Mighty Name of…

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    The Bible – God’s Instructions For A Blessed Life

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having an awesome week so far. Please stay prayed up, stay in the Word, stay connected to God and continue to be a blessing to others. Thank You Jesus. I’ve heard people say that the letters BIBLE stands for “Believers Instructions Before Leaving Earth.”  Well when you read and study your Bible, that’s exactly what it is, Gods instructions to us on how to live a Godly Christian Life, the way He intended.  A blessed life, Godly and prayer filled homes, happy marriages, respectful children, abundant finances, good health and love over flowing.  Then we decided we don’t have time to sit…