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    Ephesians 4

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family and Happy Memorial Day. It is such a beautiful morning and we should be so thankful to be a part of it. Thank You Jesus. Well, I think today is a good day to share some good Bible reading. If you have not figured it out yet, I love the Book of Ephesians. Why? Because it has all of the instructions in one Book on how to live as a Christian, God’s way and not our way. I love the way it breaks things down to where we know exactly what we are reading, very simple. I did a part one and part two of…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. We have made it to another awesome Friday, still safe and blessed. Today is a beautiful day, although that storm last night was pretty intense. Everything has been washed clean and fresh and ready to enjoy. Praise God. Today is Friday and the beginning of a three day weekend for those blessed to still have a job. Monday is Memorial Day and I pray everyone will remember to practice safe distancing and please wear your mask. Even if you have been vaccinated, still practice safety precautions when around a lot of people. So, today is Friday’s Prayer and I will be praying for everyone to…

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    Fear – False Evidence Appearing Real

    Good Wednesday Evening Blog Family. We have made it half way through another glorious week, praise God. So thankful for another day filled with God’s grace and mercy and blessings overflowing. Thank You Jesus. I apologize for just now posting my blog for today. I started writing it this morning around 6:45, then I had to stop and make an 8:00 appointment out of town. While sitting at my appointment, I started to write again on my tablet that I carry with me. When I arrived home, I was on my computer to finish writing and my website page I write on was blank. So, I had to get in…

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    The Goodness of God

    Good Monday Morning blog family. Praying everyone had a safe and blessed weekend and ready for a brand new week full of God’s grace mercy. Every now and then I will share the lyrics of a song from my praise and worship list that I felt in my heart to share. So, this morning I felt the need to post the lyrics from a beautiful song by Cece Winans that I pretty much listen to everyday because of what it says. You can pull the song up on YouTube and listen to it and I promise you it will become one of your favorite songs too. God Bless 🙂 Goodness…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. This morning it’s raining, cloudy and a little cool, but it is such a relaxing lazy day. I am so enjoying it, as I have all week. We have made it through another week, safe, blessed and thankful for the grace and mercy of our Heavenly Father. Praise His Holy Name. Well, today is Friday’s Prayer and I am going to post a short and simple, but powerful prayer this morning. One that you can memorize and say every morning as you start your day in the Lord. LORD, MAY I MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN ALL I DO,THE WORDS I SAY, AND THE ACTIONS I…

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    Awesome Words To Live By – Pt. 2

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray all of you are a having a safe and blessed week so far, being blessed and being a blessing. Staying safe and keeping God first and in everything, everyday. Praise God. Well, today I am going to post part 2 of the blog I posted on Monday from Ephesians. On Monday I posted Ephesians 5 and today I a going to post Ephesians 6. Continuing this awesome teaching on how we are to live as Christians. So, make sure you have read Monday’s blog for the first part and this will complete the second part. Read, enjoy and be blessed. EPHESIANS Children and…

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    Awesome Words To Live By

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend and ready start a fresh new week in the Lord. This week is supposed to be filled with daily rain, so do your best to stay dry. Praise God. Today my blog post will be another great reading from the Word of God, which is always a great way to start the week. Some good church on Sunday and some good scripture reading on Monday morning. Today I would like to share Ephesians 5, in which I am sure we have all ready many of times. So, read, be refreshed and enjoy. EPHESIANS 5 Walk in…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone had a safe and blessed week and ready for the weekend. I don’t know what the weather is like where you are, but it is nice and sunny where I am with a cool breeze. It is very nice and I plan on spending some me and God time in the backyard today. Praise God. Well, today it is time for Friday’s Prayer and I am going to post my favorite prayer of protection, which is Psalm 91. As you know I always post Psalm 91 from time to time, especially when there are specific terrible things going on in the world. Like…

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    Stop, Look And Listen

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Praying you started your day going before the Father for your daily instructions. Being obedient and preparing to be blessed and to be a blessing. Thank You Jesus. This morning my daughter was asking me if I had seen all of the horrific things that were going on in Israel? Then she proceeded to tell me about the attacks and showed me a few pictures that looked like a war zone. There were over 345 rockets fired into Israel. The people in Israel are asking people to pray for them. It was very heart breaking to look at those pictures and know that families were…

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    Kicking Out The Bad Habits

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a wonderful weekend and made it top priority to make all Mother’s feel more special than you normally do. I pray all mother’s had a blessed Mother’s day filled with all of the love you deserve. Even though my Mother is in heaven, she is still loved and greatly missed. Praise God. Well Blog Family, I have a special request this morning for my blog. My granddaughter Chanell asked me if I could do a blog post on bad habits. Now, keep in mind she is only 10, but she reads my blogs and I think that is amazing. So, I…