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    Jesus Protects Us Everyday

    Good Morning Blog Family. I pray all is well with you and your loved ones, staying safe and blessed. Enjoying this beautiful day that our heavenly Father allowed us to be a part of. Praise God. Today I would like to share the lyrics from a praise and worship song that I exercise to. It is an old song by Fred Hammond and I love it because of what he is saying. It is actually part of my daily prayer and when I exercise to it, my workout is amazing. I am actually feeling what it is saying, mentally, physically and spiritually. Sometimes when I am working out on my…

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    How Much Do You Trust God?

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray all of you had a safe and blessed weekend and started this week walking in the favor of God. Covered in His grace and mercy that is new every morning, overflowing with His goodness. Praise His Holy Name. I would first like to apologize for not posting a prayer Friday for Friday’s Prayer. I was a little late on posting Friday but I had some technical issues with my computer Friday, so I didn’t get to post a blog on Friday. My computer is working this morning and I am back on schedule for this morning. Thank You Jesus. Well, today I want…

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    Is Jesus Visible In Your Life

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I am praying that you and your families have had a wonderful week so far. full of the goodness of God and all of His grace, mercy and blessings. Staying safe and allowing Him to lead and guide you in your daily walk. Praise God. This morning I am going to start with a question. Is Jesus visible in your life? How often do you allow people to see Jesus in your life? Is it everyday or is it just on Sunday morning at church? Can you say that your life is a good representation of who Jesus is? If a person did not know…

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    Is Jesus In Your Inner Circle?

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend and all of the Father’s had an awesome Father’s Day. Although my Father went to be with the Lord many, many years ago, God blessed me with another wonderful Father through marriage. He treats me and loves me like a daughter and I treat him and love him like a Father, so we are both blessed. Praise God. Today, I want to talk a little bit about then people we have in our inner circles. You know we all have those people in our lives that we call whenever something happens, good or bad. The people…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. Well, we have made it to the end of another week and we are still safe and blessed. Getting ready for a weekend full of rest and plenty of sun shine, although a little hot where I am. Today’s Friday’s Prayer will be another awesome Bible reading. So, please join me in praying Psalm 115 this morning. 115 Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us,But to Your name give glory,Because of Your mercy,Because of Your truth.2 Why should the [a]Gentiles say,“So where is their God?” 3 But our God is in heaven;He does whatever He pleases.4 Their idols are silver and gold,The work of men’s hands.5 They have mouths, but they do not speak;Eyes they have, but they…

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    Have You Done Your Spring/Spiritual Cleaning?

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a great week so far, I know I am. It has been very hot where I am, but the days are still blessed and full of the goodness and mercy of God. Whether it is hot or cold, God is still God and He is still Good. Praise His Holy Name. Well, we are almost through Spring and Summer will be upon us soon. Usually when Spring begins, that is when we do our Spring cleaning around the house. There’s the cleaning out of closets, rooms, attics, basements, garages, yards and etc. Whatever has been sitting around all year cluttering, collecting…

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    Exercise Your Faith

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend and ready to go forward into a new week with God. Getting still before Him this morning before starting your day and receiving all that He has for you. Being obedient to all instructions in order to have a blessed week in Him. Praise God. This morning I would like to share some Bible reading on faith, which is Hebrews 11: 1-35. So, get your cup of coffee or tea and have a seat in a quiet place and get ready for some good reading and Bible study. Enjoy. By Faith We Understand 11 Now faith is…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed week full of the goodness of God. Passing some of that goodness on and sharing with others. Have a good weekend and keep God first in all that you do. Praise God. Well, today is Friday’s Prayer and we will be praying one of my favorite Bible readings, which is Psalm 23. Today when you say this prayer, make it personal and put your name and your families name in the prayer. The Lord the Shepherd of His People A Psalm of David. 23 The Lord is my shepherd;I shall not [a]want.2 He makes me to lie down in [b]green pastures;He leads me beside the [c]still waters.3 He…

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    Psalm 84 – Put Your Trust In God

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. We have made it to the middle of the week and very thankful. God is so good to us and He is good all of the time. He allowed us to make it this far and not once did He ever leave us and I am so thankful and grateful. That’s why I decided to post Psalm 84 this morning as my blog, it talks about how blessed we are because we put our trust in Him. Praise God. The Blessedness of Dwelling in the House of God To the Chief Musician. On[a] an instrument of Gath. A Psalm of the sons of Korah. 84 How lovely [b]is Your tabernacle,O Lord of hosts!2 My…

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    Why Worry When You Have God ?

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend, keeping God in the midst. I know I sure had a safe, blessed and awesome weekend. This weekend my sister-in-loves and I had a girls weekend and it was awesome. We had a lot of fun, we laughed, we fellowshipped, we prayed, we ate too much and we got up Sunday morning and went to Sunday school and church. What a way to end one week and start another one. Praise God. Well, this morning I want to talk about the topic of our Sunday school lesson, which was about worry. My sister-in-loves and I went…