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    Walking And Talking With God

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray you all had a wonderful weekend and a Happy 4th of July, however you may have celebrated. I had the joy of keeping my little Aria this weekend and we had a good time. She is 3 and she kept me on my toes at all times, a good workout, lol. Thank You Jesus. Every morning at 8:00 and every evening at 7:30 my 10 year old Granddaughter Chanell and I go walking. We walk 2 1/2 miles total per day. In the evening my 14 year old Grandson Quinton walks with us and we have a fun time while exercising. Our daily…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday afternoon log Family. I pray you and your loved ones had a safe and blessed week. Now going into the weekend filled with the joy if the Lord and ready to rest in Him. Praise God. Today for Friday’s Prayer I will be posting some scripture for you to ponder on a little bit. Scripture will be coming from the Book of Ephesians 2. Read, pray and enjoy. Made Alive in Christ 2 As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, 2 in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now…