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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family, praying all is well with you and your families and loved ones. Thanking God that we all had a blessed and safe week and looking forward to a relaxing weekend. Thank You Jesus. Well, today is Friday’s Prayer, so please join in with me in prayer. Father God, we come to You in the mighty name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the praise, all of the honor and all of the glory that You so rightly deserve. Thanking You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all You have done, all You are doing and all You will…

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    The Devil Is A Liar

    Good Monday Morning. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend. Ready to walk that walk and talk that talk this morning and all through the week. Praise God. I am sure everyone knows that the devil is the father of lies and that is all he can do. He doesn’t know how to tell the truth because the truth is not in him. John 8:44 reads, “There is no truth in him for he is a liar and the father of lies.” So, anytime he comes to you with anything, you already know it’s a lie. Don’t believe anything he tries to tell you or put out in…

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    Check List For Christian Marriages Or Relationships

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray all is well with you and that you have been before the Father this morning. Following his instructions and being obedient and ready to move forward in all that He has for you. Praise God. Sunday morning while waiting for my husband to rise and shine so that we could have our church. I started to think about what I wanted to blog about this morning. I have a file on my computer that has a lot of notes and writings from my marriage retreats, speaking at church and programs. So, as I was reading through some of the topics, I came across…

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    Friday’s Prayer – A Great Day Is Coming

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray that everyone had a safe and blessed week and looking forward to a safe and blessed weekend as well. As you all know, I usually post a prayer on Friday for Friday’s Prayer. This morning I will be posting scripture reading for our Frida’s prayer. I decided to on this because I had completed reading the book of Revelations yesterday and I wanted to share a message from Jesus to all of us. I am sure you have read it before, so accept this as a reminder. All Things Made New 21 Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven…

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    Watch and Pray

    Good Wednesday Morning. Well, we have made it to the middle of the week once again. Praying that everyone’s having a blessed week so far and staying connected to God. Trusting Him in all things at all times, no matter what. Yesterday during my Bible reading, I thought about a lot of things that are going on in the world around us. Which led me to see what the Bible had to say about all of this chaos we are witnessing today. It was amazing at all of the scriptures that prophesy and warns us about the days that are upon us. This is why it is so important to…

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    Changing Of The Seasons

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray that all of you and your families had a safe and blessed weekend and looking forward to a safe and blessed week. I also pray that getting before the Father this morning was at the top of your Monday morning to do list, the first thing on your list. Seeking Him for guidance and instructions for today and the days ahead. Praise God. I am sitting here on the truck this morning with my hot and delicious cup of coffee with mypeppermint mocha cream and I have to say it is sooooooo good. Sitting here with the bright sunshine pouring down on me…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone had a blessed week and looking forward to an even more blessed weekend in the Lord. Praise God. If you have been following my blog for a while, you know how much I love Friday’s Prayer. I used to pray about different things that were going on or just say a prayer. Now, if you have noticed I have started praying the Psalm’s, because they make such beautiful prayers. Every morning I read the number Psalm of the date for that day and I do the same with Proverbs. It has been such a blessing and that is why I started praying the…

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    Enjoy What God Has Made For You

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. How’s everyone doing this morning? I pray your weekend was safe and blessed and restful in the Lord. Getting before God this morning and thanking Him for an awesome weekend and ready to go forward in the week with Him. Praise God. Well, Fall has finally arrived and the color changes has begun, so beautiful. We don’t have any trees in our front or back yard. There’s a pasture behind our backyard fence, so we have trees behind our fence. Our neighbors have trees in their backyard so we have a view of trees on each side of our fence in the backyard. So, we…

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    Having The Heart Of Jesus

    Good Wednesday morning Blog Family. Well, we have reached the half way mark again this week, a beautiful Wednesday morning. I pray every one is geared up with your Armor of God on and full of the Word. Ready to go out and make God proud. As we are getting ready to go into the holiday season this year. I want to put a little something on your heart. If you are like me, you have probably already had thoughts such as these. But, I would still like to share these thoughts with you. This holiday season (Thanksgiving and Christmas), try and spread some of your love further than just…

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    Stop! Take A Break and Rest

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray you and your families had a safe and blessed weekend and ready to step into what God has for you this week. Ready and expecting His many blessings and prepared to be a blessing to others along the way. Praise God. Today I am privileged to be writing my blog from the country and it is so beautiful here. When my husband and I came home from off of the road, we went to spend some time with his Mom and Dad. They live in the country and I so enjoy spending time there. In the midst of a lot of trees and…