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    When God Speaks Things Happen

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend and ready to start a new week in the Lord. Praise God. This morning I would like to talk to you about what happens when God speaks. I am sure all of you are very familiar with the Book of Genesis, the first Book in the Bible. Now, when you read how everything began, it was by God speaking. Everything that was made or formed it started by God saying and then it was. I have listed a few examples below so you will know what I am trying to explain: Genesis 1:3 And God said,…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Afternoon Blog Family. Well, we have made it through another week. Praying that everyone’s still safe and blessed in the Lord. Hallelujah. I do apologize for the late post today, I had an early appointment this morning. Today is my favorite day, Friday’s Prayer and today I would like to share a prayer that someone posted on my facebook page. Please read and pray the prayer with me below: The whole World should be praying this right now … I got all choked up, as I prayed it.Let’s bow our heads and pray: Eternal Father, You made the whole World stop spinning for awhile. You silenced the noise…

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    If Your Walls Could Talk

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a safe and blessed day in the Lord. Praise God. Well, today’s blog will probably make you think, which is a good thing. If the walls in your house could talk, what would they say about you? What would they have to say about your relationship with God, the type of spouse you are, what kind of parent you are, what kind of friend are you or what kind of Christian you are? Some people have two personalities, the person they are at home behind closed doors and the person they become when they are out in public. But oh, the…

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    Lord, Help Me Control My Mouth

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. This is another beautiful day that the Lord has made and have allowed us to be apart of it. So, as His children, let us go out and make Him proud of us today and all of our actions and our words. Thank You Jesus. We all know what the Bible says about our mouth and that little organ that is in it, the tongue. I have and I am sure you have too, witnessed people allowing their mouth’s getting them into a lot of trouble. Then there are those that only speak negativism, never anything positive to say about anything or anybody. Sometimes, we…

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    Real And True Love

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone’s having a blessed morning. The scripture reading below was part or our morning devotion and I felt the need to share it with all ofyou. Praise God. 1 Corinthians 13 Love 131 If I speak in the tongues[1] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship…

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    The Devil Is A Liar

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend. Ready to walk that walk and talk that talk this morning and all through the week. Also praying for everyone that was in the path of the tornado that touched down in the Dallas area last night. I am sure everyone knows that the devil is the father of lies and that is all he can do. He doesn’t know how to tell the truth because the truth is not in him. John 8:44 reads, “There is no truth in him for he is a liar and the father of lies.” So, anytime he comes to…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone had a great week and ready for the weekend. Today for Friday’s Prayer I will be sharing Psalm 121. Psalm 121 A song of ascents. 1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—    where does my help come from?2 My help comes from the Lord,    the Maker of heaven and earth. 3 He will not let your foot slip—    he who watches over you will not slumber;4 indeed, he who watches over Israel    will neither slumber nor sleep. 5 The Lord watches over you—    the Lord is your shade at your right hand;6 the sun will not harm you by day,    nor the moon by night. 7 The Lord will keep you from all harm—    he will watch over your life;8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going    both…

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    Adjusting Your Focus

    Good Thursday Afternoon Blog Family. Today we are almost through another week, still safe and blessed. Praise the Mighty Name of Jesus. Make sure you tell Him thank You today. Because if it were not for God and His Grace and Mercy. You might not would have made it this far. Thank You Father. I apologize for being late today, we were in the mountains and I had no signal. So, now we are going through Las Vegas and the signal is great. I posted this blog back in 2020 and I decided to post it again as a reminder of where our focus should be. I have a question…

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    Here Am I, Send Me

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. We have made it to midweek and still moving forward in the Lord. Thank You Jesus. Isaiah 6:8 reads “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, Here am I. Send me!” Does this sound like an answer you would give the Lord? If He were to give you a place to go or something to do. Would you be obedient or make excuses why you couldn’t go or do what He said? God speaks to us everyday, but there’s so much going on in our lives we don’t hear Him.…

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    Being A Person of Integrity

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a safe and blessed week so far. Praise God. The definition of integrity: The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. I remember working for a trucking company in the payroll department with a couple of ladies. We were always coming up with ideas to make our department better. We dealt with our drivers everyday and a lot of different personalities and attitudes. So, we chose a word and made it visible to everyone that came in our department and we were going to focus on living out that word everyday. The word I chose was Integrity…