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    Gifts From The Father

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family and how are we doing this morning? Thanking God for this beautiful and sunny weather we are having. Thank You Jesus. Last week during my Bible study time I was also listening to a very good teaching from Pastor Nadine Raphael. She was teaching from Matthew 25:14-30, which I have listed below. During this teaching, she made a statement that made me stop and think for a minute, She said, “What God gives us is a gift from God, what we do with what God gives us is a gift to God.” So, after thinking about that I decided to send a text to all…

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    Temptation Can Lead To Sin

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. What a beautiful morning full of sunshine and all created by our Heavenly Father for us to enjoy. Praise God. This morning I want to talk about a word that a lot of us do not like and that word is TEMPTATION. Although, we are all tempted by something every day whether we realize it or not. First, lets find out what the definition of the word temptation means. In the dictionary it reads; “temptation is the desire to do something, especially something wrong and unwise.” Then Wikipedia reads, “temptation is a desire to engage in short-term urges for enjoyment that threatens long-term goals. In…