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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. Well, we have made it through another awesome week and ready for the weekend. Some of us worked today and some of us didn’t because today is Good Friday, the Friday before Easter. So, we will be celebrating Easter or as some say Resurrection Sunday, whichever you say it will be an awesome weekend. We also must remember that this weekend is not about he Easter Bunny, Easter Eggs or all of the activities that will be going. Which it is nothing wrong with any of those things, they are quite fun especially for the children. Just don’t forget the real reason you are celebrating.…

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    The Five One Things

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. Praying all is well with you and your loved ones, staying safe, blessed and connected to God. Praise God. Tuesday morning I was reading my devotion and I came across something that I had to go and look up in my Bible. Whenever I come across anything pertaining to the Word of God and if they give scripture to back up what they are saying. I am always going to go to the scriptures to read it for myself to make sure it is in the Bible and then share it with you if I feel the need to do so. The person that wrote…

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    Our After Life Assurance Policy

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family, how are we doing this morning? I am feeling so blessed right now and I pray you are as well. God is just so good and sometimes when I think about how good He is, I get a little overwhelmed. God is so good all of the time and and all of the time God is so good. Thank You Jesus. Yesterday, I took some time to sit down and get my Life Insurance together. You know when I was working I had Life Insurance, but when you leave the job it goes with it. So, I took the time to sit down and get…

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    Choose God and Flee Temptation

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. I pray your day has been started by getting in the presence of God this morning, spending a little time with Him. Praise God. Well, today is a brand new day, full of the the Grace and Mercy of God. Being given another opportunity to live for God and give Him all of the Praise, Honor and Glory that He so rightly deserve. Living our lives in a way that pleases Him, what comes out of our mouths, how we treat others, the places we go and the way we dress. Believe it or not, it all speaks to our Heavenly Father and those things…

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    Happy Birthday To Me

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Today is cloudy and rainy, but it is still a beautiful day. Today is my birthday so, “Happy Birthday to me.” So thankful that God not only blessed me to see another day, but another year and I say thank You Father. Praise God So, I am going to enjoy my Birthday and all my Birthday gifts and wishes and I will be back on track tomorrow with a full blog post. I pray all of you have a safe and blessed day. God Bless 🙂

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray that everyone’s had a safe and blessed week and ready for the weekend. No matter what the weekend holds for you and your family, remember to keep Jesus in the midst. Do all that you can do to stay safe and trust Him to do what you have no control over. Thank You Jesus. Well, it is time for Friday’s Prayer and today I will be praying for all of God’s children all of over the world. From the youngest to the oldest, because no matter where we are, we are all family in God’s eyes. Father God, I come to you this…

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    My Early Morning Meetings With God

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a safe and blessed day today. I have had my morning walk and time with my Father and I feel absolutely amazing. I can’t express enough how much I love God and how grateful I am to belong to Him. The best decision I ever made was to give my life to Jesus Christ. Thank You, Thank You and Thank You Jesus for what You did for me. Have you ever been awaken in the early morning hours from a good sleep and fully awake? Not rubbing your eyes or yawning a lot, but fully awake? I heard a pastor say…

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    The Evidence Is There

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. So thankful for another opportunity this morning to spend with God in order to start my day. I got up and walked my 2 miles this morning with Him, I prayed, I talked and listened. Then I listened to my praise and worship music that glorifies Him and now I am ready to write my blog and continue on with a blessed day. Thank You Jesus. I listened to a video that LaShun Pace had made before she went home to be with the Lord. She was talking about God telling her to tell His people we need to pray. It was a very heart…

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    God Will Never Leave You, He’s Always With You

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. Psalm 118:24 reads, “This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Praise His Holy Name. So, this morning I have a bit of a testimony and praise report to share with you. I shared with you Monday morning about my awesome experiences of being in the country. Well, Monday morning was sunny and beautiful with squirrels and birds and even turtles out enjoying the morning. As the day went on, large clouds started to appear and toward late afternoon they were turning shades of gray. Then the wind picked up a little bit and the sun went…

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    The Beginning Of A Blessed Week

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Well, it’s Monday morning once again, the beginning of another blessed week. Even though this is the first day of a new week and because I know what kind of God we serve, I can know the week is already blessed. So, if my week is blessed, that means I am blessed, so let me get out here and be a blessing. Praise His Holy Name. This weekend I had the privilege of attending a Woman’s Conference and the theme was “The Provervbs 31 Woman” and it was amazing. I just love it when God’s daughters get together and praise and worship Him, all on…