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    Always Watch and Pray

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had an awesome 3 day weekend and ready to start another glorious week in the Lord. Praise His Holy Name. We are in Saginaw,Tx this morning, the wind is a little high with clouds, the sun peeps out every now and then which makes for a nice breezy morning. Another day that the Lord has made and allowed us to be a part of it. Giving us another opportunity to praise Him and give Him all of the honor and glory that belongs to Him. During my Bible reading, I always think about a lot of things that are going on in…

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    Happy Memorial Day

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family and Happy Memorial Day. Praying everyone’s enjoying this beautiful day in the Lord. Whether you are at home in the backyard or out at the parks and lakes, please take God with you. Keep Him in the midst of wherever you are and whatever you are doing. Praise God. We are sitting in Amarillo, Tx this beautiful Monday morning, although it’s a little hot it’s still a beautiful morning. I was talking to my daughter yesterday and they were making plans to cook on the grill and get in the pool today. Even though I am not there to enjoy in all of that family…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Again Blog Family. Even though I have already posted a blog for Friday morning, I would still like to post Friday’s Prayer too. So, there are 2 blogs posted this morning. I would like to pray thus morning for the families in Uvalde. I am sure everyone has heard of the senseless and horrific elementary school shooting on Tuesday of this week. Please join me in prayer. Heavenly Father, we come to you this morning in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Giving You all of the praise, all of the honor and all of the glory that belongs to You. Asking You to be with the families…

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    The Evidence Of God In Your Life

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s doing well this beautiful morning that the Lord has made. Giving us another wonderful opportunity to come before Him with all of our praise and thanksgiving. Thank You Jesus. This blog was supposed to be for Thursday and I thought it posted but I realized this morning it did not post. So, it will be today’s blog instead of Friday’s Prayer. Well, I am back on the truck with my husband and on the road again, in which sometimes my signals are a little slow coming in or may not come in at all. This morning there was a problem with my…

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    Let God’s Love Shine Through You

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray all of you are having a safe and blessed week so far in this New Year. Today is a rainy and cold day where I am, but I will still rejoice and be glad in it. Everyday is made by God and He has allowed you to be a part of it and that’s reason enough to rejoice. Praise His Holy Name. When we were children growing up, I am sure we all can remember the song, “This Little Light of Mine.” Especially if you were in church, the children would always sing this song. As children, we were just singing the song,…

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    Trust In The Lord At All Times

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. I pray that your day started with you going before the Father. I find this is the best way to have a truly blessed day in the Lord. Praise God. I know that I have posted blogs in the past about trusting in God. When I blog about some things more than once, it is because it is very important. Trusting in God is something I can’t talk about too much because we should be doing this everyday all day. Trusting Him in everything and with everything. Reading His Holy Word and following all of His instructions to us, being obedient. It is so easy…

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    In The Midst Of God’s Beautiful Creation

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had an awesome and relaxing weekend, safe and blessed. Ready to move forward in a new week in the Lord, being obedient and following where He leads. Praise God. Well Blog Family, this morning is a little bitter sweet for me. As you all know, I have been off of the truck with my husband since last week of March and in the country. He joined me in the country the first weekend in May and this morning we are both returning to life on the road. I have so enjoyed these past 2 months in the midst of all of this…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s had a safe and blessed week and ready for a safe and blessed weekend. For Friday’s Prayer today I would like to share some good Bible reading to give you something to think about. Matthew 25:31-46 New International Version The Sheep and the Goats 31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.…

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    God Works In Mysterious Ways

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. We have almost made it to the end of another glorious week in the Lord. Lift your hands wherever you and just say thank You Father for allowing me to be a part of another day. Given another opportunity to spend with You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Praise Your Holy Name. This morning I want to share some of the things that my Heavenly Father allows me to experience while I am out walking in the mornings. So, I was out walking and talking to God, spending my time with Him while I am doing my morning walk. There’s this red bird I see…

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    Cutting And Pruning Away The Dead Stuff

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family, praying all is well with you and yours. Believing and trusting in God for everything, no matter how big or small. Praise God. A lot of us have beautiful flowers and flower beds in our front and back yards. We may have beautiful trees and hedge bushes or other greenery and plants. When we are caring for our greenery and flowers as we should, we have to prune some and cut some. Now there is a big difference between pruning and cutting when caring for plants, trees and flowers. I used to have these beautiful roses that would grow very tall in between and on…