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    Praying Protection Over Our Children

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend. Keeping God first and in everything and all things at all times. Praise God. Well, today is Halloween and we all know what that means for a lot of neighborhoods tonight. All of the little ghosts and goblins will be out going door to door for candy. We read every year that this is not safe anymore because there are evil minded people with the intent of bringing harm to our children through candy. Putting things in candy and having drugs that look like candy. If you are ok with your child going out trick or…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I woke up this morning to thunder storms and quite chilly. If you are waking up to the same, stay warm and try today. Praise God. Heavenly Father, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Giving You all of the praise and glory that belongs to You. Thanking You for another beautiful day that You have allowed us to be a part of. Even through the cold and rain, it’s still a beautiful day that You have made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. Praise Your Holy Name. Father we ask that You continue to watch over us and…

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    Take Care Of Your Temple

    Good Thursday Morning. I pray everyone’s having a safe and blessed week so far. Praise God and Bless His Holy Name. Thanking Him for waking us up this morning and starting us on our way, His way. Thank You Jesus. How well do you take care of your body? You do know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, right? 1 Corinthians 6:19 reads, “Or do you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? So basically, our bodies do not belong to us, they belong to God. And…

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    Sometimes It’s Not The Devil, It’s Us

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. How’s everyone doing this morning? Well, even though I can’t answer for you, I can truly say I am blessed and highly favored. I can say that because I see God’s blessings and favor in my life everyday. He is a good, good Father. Praise His Holy Name. Before I get started with this conversation, let me say this. I know I am not the only one that has made a choice, a decision or did or did not do something and things went wrong and we blame the devil. Right, it’s probably not you but you know somebody like that. Well, I can honestly…

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    Our Life Assurance Policy

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family, how are we doing this morning? I am feeling so blessed right now and I pray you are as well. God is just so good and sometimes when I think about how good He is, I get a little overwhelmed. God is so good all of the time and and all of the time God is so good. Thank You Jesus. So, a while back I took some time to sit down and get my Life Insurance together. You know when I was working I had Life Insurance, but when you leave the job it goes with it. So, I took the time to sit…

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    Your Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family and how’s your morning? Even though my morning is very cold it is still a beautiful morning. I pray wherever you are that you are having a beautiful morning as well. Praise God. I have a question for you this morning, a little something to think about. If I asked you if you loved Jesus, what would you say? Now, if you are a Christian, I know you would say, “Yes, I love Jesus very much,” and you wouldn’t have to give it a second thought. It would just automatically come out because as a Christian we are to love Jesus. We love Jesus because…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone has had a blessed and safe week. Getting ready for the weekend and some family fun time. I pray that everyone will have a safe and blessed weekend in the Lord. Today is Friday’s prayer, so please join me today and pray not just for yourself and your family, but for others outside of your family as well. Father, I come to you in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. First thanking You for all You have done, all You are doing and all I know You will do. Not just in my life and family but in the…

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    Sitting At The Feet Of Jesus

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone’s having a good week so far, too blessed to be stressed. Take Jesus with you this morning wherever you are going, don’t leave home without Him. I am sure everyone is familiar with the story of the two sisters Mary and Martha. But just in case your mind needs to be refreshed, I will be more than happy to help you out. Luke 10:38-42 reads, “Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus’ feet and heard…

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    Who Brings Your Day?

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. How’s everyone doing this beautiful October morning? It was 39 degrees here in New Mexico, plenty of bright sunshine and fresh crisp air. Praise God. First, let me say I have really missed talking with all of you. I know there was a couple of weeks I wasn’t posting due to a lot going on and me being all over the place. Things are beginning to settle down a little bit and getting back to where we left off. So, I pray everyone has been doing great and staying before the Father. Because we cannot do this life without Him and I wouldn’t even want…

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    Goodnight Blog Family

    Good Tuesday Night Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed day today. I apologize for there not being a blog post this morning. I am back on the truck with Hubby and trying to get situated again. So, things are getting back to normal and I will be back on my schedule in the morning, which will be Wednesday. I pray that you will have sweet sleep tonight and rest in the Lord and wake up to a God Morning. God Bless 🙂