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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Afternoon Blog Family. This it’s raining, cloudy and a little cool, but it is such a relaxing lazy day. I am so enjoying it, as I have all week. We have made it through another week, safe, blessed and thankful for the grace and mercy of our Heavenly Father. Praise His Holy Name. Well, today is Friday’s Prayer and I am going to post a short and simple, but powerful prayer this morning. One that you can memorize and say every morning as you start your day in the Lord. LORD, MAY I MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN ALL I DO,THE WORDS I SAY, AND THE ACTIONS I TAKE.…

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    Who Is Jesus To You?

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. How is everybody doing this morning? I pray your answer will be “Highly Favored and Blessed in the Lord.” Because that is definitely my answer this morning and every morning. Thank You Jesus. Well, I have a question for you this morning. Who is Jesus to you? Good question, huh? Perhaps a question that will make you stop and think. Have you ever thought about all of the titles or names that come with Jesus. All of the things that He is able to do in you, through you and for you. He is whatever and whoever you need Him to be at the time…

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    You Can’t Live For God And The World

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Praying all of you, your families and loved ones are having a safe and blessed week. Ready to embark upon whatever God has in store for you. Filled with all of the grace and mercy of God, which we know is new every morning. Given another opportunity to be a part of another glorious day that God has made, in which we will rejoice and be glad in it. Being ever so grateful and thankful for all God does for us and for who He is in our daily lives. Praise His Holy Name. I came across some reading that I have read many times…

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    Anointed And Set Apart

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone is doing well. Keeping your eyes on Jesus and not all that is going on around you. Praise God. This morning I want to talk to you about the anointing oil in the bible and what it was used for then and what we should be using it for now. In reading about the anointing oil in bible days, the oil had sanctifying (cleansing) properties. Whenever the oil was used on a person or thing, that person or thing had then become set apart and blessed of the Lord. The anointing oil was olive oil that had been prayed over and blessed…

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    What Are You Allowing In Your Temple?

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having an awesome morning in the Lord. Praise the name of Jesus. If you are a Christian, then you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. This is where God’s Spirit dwells in us if it is not too cluttered with junk or unnecessary stuff. As you read the scriptures below as to hat Jesus did when He arrived at the temple of God full of stuff that shouldn’t have been in there. The temple were full of all the wrong people doing all the wrong things in the temple, please read below John 2: 13-16. Jesus Cleanses…

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    You Have To Know God To Trust God

    Good Thursday Afternoon Blog Family. Praying you, your family and loved ones are having a safe and blessed day. Praise God. This afternoons I just wanted to remind you again the importance of trusting God in and with your everyday life. Not just trusting Him, but also believing His Word. There is no way possible to get through these days and times without God. You may think you got everything under control on your own but you don’t. That’s just another lie the devil has given you and you believed it. Another important reminder in trusting and believing God. You first have to KNOW God, which means spending time with…

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    Give God The First Of Your Mornings

    Good Wednesday morning Blog Family and how is everyone doing this beautiful morning that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Praise the Mighty Name of Jesus. I will start out by saying, “I pray everyone’s staying close to and following after God.” I say that because sometimes in our busy lives, we are just all over the place. Getting up in the mornings running when our feet hit the floor and bypassing that time we need to get before our Father. The first of our morning that we spend with God is the most important part of our day. Because when you give God…

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    If God Tells You To Do It, Just Do It

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a safe and blessed day today and trusting God all of the way. I woke up to a cold morning this morning and it is so soothing and enjoyable, sitting here having my cup of hot coffee. God knows just what we need at the time we need it and I am so glad He does. Praise His Holy Name. So, we all know who Jonah is in the Bible and we all know his story. Just in case you don’t, I will give you a little bit of it and then you can go and read the Book of Jonah…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Afternoon Blog Family. I pray all of you and your families have had a safe and blessed week in the Lord. Getting ready to go into a restful weekend and spending some much needed time with the Father. Praise God. It is time for our Friday’s Prayer and today I would like you to join in and pray with me. I have read some incredible stories of the kindness and goodness of people during all of the weather challenges we have endured. It makes my heart very happy to know there are still good hearted people out there. Helping others and looking for nothing in return. Father God,…

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    The Goodness of God

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone’s been before the Father this morning and received your instructions for the day. Praise God. This morning I just want to take a few minutes and just talk about how good God is. When I stop and think about all that He has done for me, what He is still doing for me and what He will continue to do for me. My God, it makes me feel so loved and so blessed. God is such an awesome Father and His love for us is like no other. I get overwhelmed when I think about how much He loves me and the way…