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    Which Group Do You Fall In?

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Well, we have made it half way through the week. What a blessing. I am having an awesome week and I pray all of you are as well. Praise God. This morning I wanted to share a little scripture reading with you that I read during one of my Bible readings. I have read this scripture many times before, but this time it was a little different. So, I decided to share it with you. The scripture reading comes from Luke 8:4-15. Luke 8: 4-15 The Parable of the Sower 4 And when a great multitude had gathered, and they had come to Him from every…

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    Our Help Comes From God

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. I pray you, your family and loved ones are having a blessed morning in the Lord. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Thank You Jesus. Praise God, for He is worthy to be praised. Today I would like to share one of my favorite bible readings with you. It is one of those readings that we should confess and stand on every day. Even incorporate it into your daily prayer. There is not a lot I can say about this scripture reading because it speaks for itself. Please read below Psalm 121 reads, ” (1) I lift up…

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    Sins We Unknowingly Commit Everyday

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Today is another beautiful day that the Lord has provided for us to enjoy in Him. Thank You Jesus. This morning I would like to talk a little bit about the every day sin in our lives that are so common in today’s world that it sometimes goes unnoticed as sin. We get so caught up in the way the world does things that we sometimes forget the correct way. This is where we allow sin to slip into our daily lives and we don’t even recognize it as sin. So, you know me and how quick I am to do some research on things…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed Thanksgiving. I pray that you entered into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. That’s exactly what Psalm 100:4 instructs us to do, “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise; be thankful unto Him, and bless His name.” So, my prayer for everyone today is to continue being thankful and grateful. For all that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit have done for us in the past, present and future. Waking up each morning blessed and being a blessing. Remembering Philippians 4:19 which reads, “And my God will supply…

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    Have A Blessed And Happy Thanksgiving

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. I pray you and your family have been before the Father this morning with praise and thanksgiving. Acknowledging Him for who He is and for all that He does for us, His children. Going before Him with a grateful and thankful heart. Thank You Jesus. I would like to take a few minutes this morning to wish all of you, your families and loved ones a Safe, Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving. May you enjoy each other with good food and fun memorable times. Psalm 107:1 reads, “Oh give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good: for His mercy endureth forever.” Amen and God Bless…

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    To Know God Is To Trust God

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Praying you, your family and loved ones are having a safe and blessed day. Praise God. This morning I just wanted to remind you again the importance of trusting God in and with your everyday life. Not just trusting Him, but also believing His Word. There is no way possible to get through these days and times without God. You may think you got everything under control on your own but you don’t. That’s just another lie the devil has given you and you believed it. Another important reminder in trusting and believing God. You first have to KNOW God, which means spending time with…

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    Keep Your Focus On What Matters

    Good Tuesday Evening Blog Family. Yes, today we are still safe and blessed. Praise the Mighty Name of Jesus. Make sure you tell Him thank You today. Because if it were not for God and His Grace and Mercy. You might not would have made it this far. Thank You Father. I have a question for you today. Where is your focus? In other words, what are you focused on? What has the majority of your attention these days? Now, I could tell you what your answer should be, but that would not be the answer some of you may give. If I were to answer that question and I…

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    What Are You Thankful For?

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I am praying that you are having an awesome day in the Lord and being obedient to His Word. Praise the Name of Jesus. Well, this is the beginning of Thanksgiving week and probably a very busy week for most of us. This is the time that we do the extra grocery shopping, the extra cooking and have extra family for Thanksgiving dinner. It should be a time of fun, laughter and spending time with loves ones, but more than anything it should be a time of thankfulness and gratefulness. We should be this way the entire year and not just for Thanksgiving. You may…

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    Count Your Many Blessings

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a safe and blessed week. Seeking God and asking for instructions and directions throughout your day. Over the past few years, I have had the pleasure of talking to and hearing different women talk about their lives. It was truly amazing and such a blessing for me. It made me look at my own life and appreciate all of my blessings. I think sometimes we get caught up in focusing on what we don’t have instead of being thankful for what we do have. It seems like the more we have the more we want, we are never satisfied. During our…

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    Give God All Of Yourself

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Have you had your time with the Father this morning before starting your day? I pray that you did. Thank You Jesus. Well, I have had my prayer time this morning and just finished making me a good cup of coffee. Getting ready to write my blog and spend a little time with all of you this very cool Fall morning. Praise God. This morning I want to talk a little bit about how much of ourselves we give to God. I’m not just talking about how much time we give Him. I’m talking about our body, heart, mind and soul, mentally, physically and emotionally.…