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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a good week, safe and blessed. Praise God. Well, today is Friday’s Prayer and we are going to pray for obedience this morning. So, please join and pray with me or you can just say your own prayer. Father God, I come to You in the Name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior. First thanking You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all You have done, all You are doing and all You will do. Thanking You for protecting Your children and for Psalm 91, our prayer of protection. I come asking this morning that You put it on the heart…

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    God Is Still A Good God and Still In Control

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone’s doing well and keeping God first in everything and all things. Praise God. This morning I want to talk a little about the goodness of God. If all I said was “God is good” that would be enough. We have all made the statement “God is good all the time and all the time God is good,” and that is so true. Do you actually believe that when you say it? Do you allow the goodness of God to show in your everyday life? Do you remember how good God is when things in your life are not so good? We must remember,…

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    The Perilous Pestilence

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray this blog finds everyone whole, healthy, healed and complete in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Praise God. In case you are not sure what a perilous pestilence is, I am going to give you a very good example. First, I am going to give you the definition of these two words and then I will give you an example. Perilous means “danger.” Pestilence means, “any infectious, fatal disease that is widespread, any epidemic disease that is highly contagious, infectious.” So, looking at these two word definitions, I think a very good example would be the coronavirus. Now, for a peace of mind during…

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    Exercise Your Faith

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a safe and blessed weekend and continuing to go forward with God. Getting still before Him this morning before starting your day and receiving all that He has for you. Being obedient to all instructions in order to have a blessed week in Him. Praise God. This morning I would like to share some Bible reading on faith, which is Hebrews 11: 1-35. So, get your cup of coffee or tea and have a seat in a quiet place and get ready for some good reading and Bible study. Enjoy. By Faith We Understand 11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped…

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    God Is Our Refuge and Our Fortress

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Praying that you started your day with God and trusting Him with your day. Thank You Jesus. This morning during my prayer time, I was praying Psalm 91 and immediately the words refuge and fortress jumped out at me. So, I thanked the Holy Spirit for giving my what I was to blog about this morning, because for those 2 words to jump out at me like they did, it needed to be talked about this morning. Psalm 91:2 reads, “I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” So, when you read this scripture, what does…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray all of you and your families have had a safe and blessed week in the Lord. Getting ready to go into a restful weekend and spending some much needed time with the Father. Praise God. It is time for our Friday’s Prayer and today I would like you to join in and pray with me. I am always some incredible stories of the kindness and goodness of people during all of the weather challenges we have endured. It makes my heart very happy to know there are still good hearted people out there. Helping others and looking for nothing in return. Father God,…

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    Whatever God Instructs You To Do, Just Be Obedient

    Good Thursday Afternoon Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a safe and blessed day today and trusting God all of the way. I woke up to a nice cloudy morning and it is so soothing and enjoyable, not too cool or too warm, just right. God knows just what we need at the time we need it and I am so glad He does. Praise His Holy Name. So, we all know who Jonah is in the Bible and we all know his story. Just in case you don’t, I will give you a little bit of it and then you can go and read the Book of Jonah when…

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    What You Put In Will Come Out

    Good Wednesday Afternoon Blog Family. Well, here we are again half way through the week. Praying everyone’s having a good week in the Lord. Looking forward to and expecting Him to do great things in you and through you the rest of the week. Praise God. I have a question for you this afternoon. Have you ever just stopped in the middle of whatever you were doing and started praising and worshipping God? I asked that question, because I find myself doing it all through the day, all of the time. It doesn’t matter where I am or what I am doing, there is always praise and worship on my…

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    Who Are You Serving and Following?

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. Praying you have spent some much needed time with the Father this morning. Getting our instructions for the day. Praise God. I will be sharing a scripture with you this morning that I read in my devotion. It was one of those scriptures that makes you stop and think for a minute. The scripture comes from the Book of John 12:26 which reads, “Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.” Wow, even though it may be a short scripture, it is a very powerful scripture. It says a…

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    Praying Throughout Your Day

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Praying that all of you had a very restful and blessed weekend. Up this morning with the Father and ready to start your day and week in the Lord. Praise God. Over the last 40 days, I have been participating in the “40 Day Worship Experience, A Surrender Journey” by Dr. Mark Jones. This was an added addition to my mornings with my Heavenly Father and it was so worth it. Dr. Jones gave a small prayer for an example to pray or as a conversation starter. He was making a point of how important it was to give Jesus the first 15 minutes of…