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    Pray About Everything And Be Thankful

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family and children of God. How’s everyone doing this beautiful morning that God has blessed us to see once again. We have been given another opportunity to say thank You Father for all that You do for us. We love You so much. Bless His Holy Name. Well, I know in many past blogs I have talked a lot about prayer and having that one on one relationship with God. I continue to talk about this because it is so important as a Christian that you keep God in the midst of everything that you do and talk to Him about everything before you do it.…

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    What Kind of Christian Are You?

    Iask this question because I see people that call themselves a Christian. Although their attitudes and personalities are far from being Christ like. I have listed below a few of these different types of Christians: I would like you to take a few minutes and read below Luke 10:25-37. A very good Word. Luke 10:25-37New King James Version The Parable of the Good Samaritan 25 And behold, a certain [a]lawyer stood up and tested Him, saying, “Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” 26 He said to him, “What is written in the law? What is your reading of it?” 27 So he answered and said, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray you and your family have had a safe and blessed week. Also praying that today will be the beginning of a restful and enjoyable weekend. Putting God first and keeping Him in all that you do. Praise the Mighty Name of Jesus. Well, as you all know, today is Friday’s Prayer, which is my favorite blog day. Although, I love posting blogs on Monday through Thursday, talking about and sharing what I believe the Holy Spirit is putting on my heart. I look so forward to Friday’s Prayer, because I am given the opportunity to pray for whatever is put before me. Encouraging…

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    What If Jesus Came For A Visit

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. Make sure you greet everyone you meet with a smile today. Allow the light of Jesus to shine through. Praise God We are going to use our imagination this morning. I want you to imagine for just a minute that you received a phone call from Jesus. He was informing you that He was going to come by for a visit and the time He would arrive. What would your reaction be? Would you push the panic button or would you get very excited? Is there anything you would have to change or could everything stay the same? Would you have to go into clean…

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    Make And Be The Difference

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Today is Wednesday and we are half way through another glorious week. You may ask, why would you say glorious week with all of the chaos and uncertainty going on around us? Because, even with all that is going on around us, this is still a day that God has made and it is a glorious day. So, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Thank You Jesus. I have a plaque hanging on my wall that reads “LORD, MAY I MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN ALL I DO, THE WORDS I SAY AND THE ACTIONS I TAKE. LORD, MAY I GLORIFY YOU THAT YOU…

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    Don’t Let The Devil Or People Steal Your Joy

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone having a safe and blessed week in the Lord. Praise God. So, one morning I remember talking to my husband and he seemed to have been a little grumpy, not his usual happy self. Now, I could have let this put me in one of those moods that probably would have ruined the rest of my morning and our conversation. I first asked him if he was ok because he sounded a little grumpy and then I made the decision to get off the phone and talk with him a little bit later in the day. Why? Because I was not going…

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    Being Reconciled To God

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray you and your loved ones have had a safe and blessed weekend. Praying that you are allowing God to lead and guide you every step of the way and being covered in the Blood of Jesus. Praise God. This morning I would like to share some scripture that I read in my devotion. When I read the scripture, I felt I needed to share it with all of you. So, I decided that would be my blog post this morning and as I read it again, I knew I needed to share it. The scripture is from 2 Corinthians 5:11-20 and I pray…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. Praying that you and your loved ones had a safe and blessed week in the Lord and will have a safe and blessed weekend as well. I will be doing a little traveling for the weekend along with some other ladies. So, I decided our prayer of protection would be a great prayer for Friday’s Prayer. God Bless 🙂 Safety of Abiding in the Presence of God Psalm 91 (NKJV) 91 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most HighShall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;My God, in Him I will trust.” 3 Surely He shall deliver…

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    Does Your Focus Need Adjusting?

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. Today we are almost at the end of another week, still safe and blessed. Praise the Mighty Name of Jesus. Make sure you tell Him thank You today. Because if it were not for God and His Grace and Mercy. You might not would have made it this far. Thank You Father. I have a question for you today. Where is your focus? In other words, what are you focused on? What has the majority of your attention these days? Now, I could tell you what your answer should be, but that would not be the answer some of you may give. If I were…

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    God Is Always With Us, Always

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a blessed and safe week. Starting your morning going before the Father for your daily instructions. I had my time with Him this morning and it was awesome. Just being in the presence of God is amazing. When you realize that all you need is in His presence and there is no other place like His presence. When you begin to believe that, your entire life will change. Hallelujah. Today I just wanted to take a few minutes to remind everyone that God is with us. It doesn’t matter what is going on around us or the trials we are faced…