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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray you have a had an awesome and blessed week as we go into the weekend. Praise God. A Song of Praise for the Lord’s Faithfulness to His People A Psalm of Thanksgiving. 100 Make a joyful shout to the Lord, [a]all you lands!2 Serve the Lord with gladness;Come before His presence with singing.3 Know that the Lord, He is God;It is He who has made us, and [b]not we ourselves;We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. 4 Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,And into His courts with praise.Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.5 For the Lord is good;His mercy is everlasting,And His truth endures to all generations. Amen, Amen and Amen. God Bless 🙂 By admin

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    Be Still And Know That He Is God

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. Today is the start of a brand new week, full of the goodness of God and all of His grace and mercy. Don’t you just get excited when You think about how good He is to us and how much He loves us, I know I get very excited. Thank You Jesus. So, I was reading my devotions and doing some reading and studying Friday morning after posting Friday’s Prayer. I was reading about being in the presence of God, being still and listening to what He had to say. Go instructs us in Psalm 46:10 to “Be still, and know that I am God.”…

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    Let God’s Love Shine Through You

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray all of you are having a safe and blessed week so far in this New Year. Today is a rainy and cold day where I am, but I will still rejoice and be glad in it. Everyday is made by God and He has allowed you to be a part of it and that’s reason enough to rejoice. Praise His Holy Name. When we were children growing up, I am sure we all can remember the song, “This Little Light of Mine.” Especially if you were in church, the children would always sing this song. As children, we were just singing the song,…

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    Basking In The Father’s Love

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. I pray all is going well with and for you and your loved ones this beautiful morning. Praise God. Well, today lets stop for a brief moment and think about the love of our Heavenly Father. I was reading my devotions this morning and one of them was talking about a father’s love for his children. It made me think about how much my Heavenly Father loves and cares for me, for us. Even though our earthly father’s may care for us and love us, their love still cannot compare to the Father’s love for us. There is no love equal to or greater than…

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    To The Children of God

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend and ready for another God led week. I say God led because I pray you had some time with Him this morning to find about your upcoming week. With God knowing and seeing all, how could you not have a great week if you consulted Him first. Thank You Jesus. This morning I would like to share some more of what Paul had to say when He was writing to the people in Ephesus. It is such a beautiful expression of God’s love for us and all that we have from Him as His children. I…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray you and your family have had a safe and blessed week. Also praying that today will be the beginning of a restful and enjoyable weekend. Putting God first and keeping Him in all that you do. Praise the Mighty Name of Jesus. Well, as you all know, today is Friday’s Prayer, which is my favorite blog day. Although, I love posting blogs on Monday through Thursday, talking about and sharing what I believe the Holy Spirit is putting on my heart. I look so forward to Friday’s Prayer, because I am given the opportunity to pray for whatever is put before me. Encouraging…

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    We Are Anointed And Set Apart

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone is doing well, keeping your eyes on Jesus and not all that is going on around you. Praise God. This morning I want to talk to you about the anointing oil in the bible and what it was used for then and what we should be using it for now. In reading about the anointing oil in bible days, the oil had sanctifying (cleansing) properties. Whenever the oil was used on a person or thing, that person or thing had then become set apart and blessed of the Lord. The anointing oil was olive oil that had been prayed over and blessed…

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    Your Actions Speak Louder Than Your Words

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family and how’s your morning? Even though my morning is cloudy it is still a beautiful morning. I pray wherever you are that you are having a beautiful morning as well. Praise God. I have a question for you this morning, a little something to think about. If I asked you if you loved Jesus, what would you say? Now, if you are a Christian, I know you would say, “Yes, I love Jesus very much,” and you wouldn’t have to give it a second thought. It would just automatically come out because as a Christian we are to love Jesus. We love Jesus because of…

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    A Drink Of Living Water

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone’s having a great day in the Lord. Hallelujah! I have two green plants sitting on my bar between the kitchen and dining aera. One day I was walking by them and I noticed they were a little droopy and needing to be watered. So, I proceeded to water them and within a few hours, I noticed they were standing tall and flourishing once again. When they are watered and cared for, they are so green and beautiful. Now, I don’t know how you care for your plants if you have any. I am the one that walks by and notice how beautiful my…

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    Starting Your Day With God

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend and all of the Father’s had a wonderful Father’s Day. Ready to start a new week in the Lord, I know I am. Praise the name of Jesus. Thank You Lord. I was reflecting back on a teaching I recently heard on the importance of giving God your first every morning. Starting your day with Him before you start anything else. I was thinking, that was the very reason I named my blog site “Mornings With God” and my blog “agodmorning.com. Because it is very important to start your day with God, very important. I have…