
A Father’s Love

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24). Yesterday was a very beautiful day and I just couldn’t get enough of it. I was outside most of the day mending my fence and enjoying the sunshine and cool breeze. Praise God.

For Valentine’s Day my husband bought me a little gray, black and white shih tzu named Coco. She’s a very little dog and she is so full of energy, and loves to sit in your lap. I watch her jump around and play with her toys and run and jump around the yard when she is outside. She is so full of joy and you can’t help but feel it. She’s not worried about anything because she knows I am going to take care of her and provide all she needs. I know when it’s time for her to eat, when it’s time to take her outside and when its nap time. She knows I’ve got her, so she can focus on being a happy little dog.

This is the same way God wants us to look at Him, as our provider. We should be full of joy and happy children that’s loved by their Father. He knows what we need when we need it, and He is never late with anything. We just have to make sure we spend time with Him and trust and believe that He has us, no matter what. Spend time in His presence loving on Him and He loves on us. Allowing Him to speak to our hearts and instruct us on our day to day journey with Him. This is why being a child of God is so easy, He makes it easy for us. We are the ones that makes it seems so hard.

As Coco looks at me with those big eyes and jumps up on me, knowing that she is taken care of. I protect her and will not let anything happen to her, because she belongs to me. When I call her she knows my voice and she comes running. As children of God, we should know our Heavenly Father’s voice and when we spend time with Him, we learn things about Him. He already knows all about us and He loves us unconditionally. He is our Father and we are His children.

When Coco is disobedient or has done something bad, she has to go in her little cage. That doesn’t mean that I stopped loving and caring for her. That’s my way of letting her know she has to be obedient and when she is not there are consequences, which is punishment and cage time. There are also consequences and punishment for us as children of God when we are disobedient. Why, because He is a Father who loves His children and wants the best for them. He tries to keep us out of harms way by instructing us, but sometimes we don’t listen and then we get in trouble.

So, when you love like the Father loves, your heart is in it and it is real love. It doesn’t matter whether it is your children or your pet, real love is real love. Watching Coco just reminded me of how much God loves me and looks after me and that made me very happy. To know that my life is in His hands and I am well loved and taken care of. I just have to love, trust, believe and be obedient to my Father. Allowing Him to love me and in return loving Him back. Have a blessed day. God Bless 🙂

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