
A Little Food For Thought

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray you and your family started your day with God this morning, full of His grace and mercy which is new every morning. Praise God.

I have a lot of Christian posts on my Facebook page and I read one that was so enlightening, made you think about what you had read. So, I decided that I would share that post this morning as my blog because I thought it was good enough to share with you. Please see post below:

“I’m A Christian & I’m Proud

Never thought about this before:

I have always thought that Noah was safe inside the Ark because he built it according to God’s specifications. I thought that perhaps it was the strength of the gopher wood and the soundness of the architecture that ensured that the waters of the flood would not come into the Ark.

But today I encountered a verse that shifted this whole paradigm. Let’s read what Gen 7:16 says … “The animals going in were male and female of every living thing as God had commanded Noah… THEN GOD SHUT HIM IN….

Don’t miss this…. even after Noah had built the Ark, it was God Himself who shut him in, in order to shut out the waters of the flood… In other translations this verse says “The Lord sealed them inside.”

It is not the fact that you have locked your house that keeps you safe at night, it is not your good driving skills that keeps you safe on the road, neither it’s your healthy eating habits that keeps you healthy – only God can shut you in and shut out the devil that is seeking to devour you.

Wow! When I was sent this, I just had to share 🙏🏼❤️

I thought that was a really good read, one of those that put’s something on your mind. We as Christians should know that it is God that keeps us safe and harm and danger away. Yes, there are precautions we can take, but we know that God is the one that is in control, not us. I have a security system on my house that is turned on every night before I go to bed. Even though I know it’s on, I still walk through my house every night and pray Psalm 91 over my house and family. Why, because even though the security system is on, I still look to God for my protection and so should you. God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the praise, honor and glory that belongs to You. We thank You for protecting us each and every day the way that You do. Keeping us safe and keeping all harm and danger away from us, our families and loved one, our homes and wherever we may be. Thank You for all of the protection listed in the Bible for Your children. Amen.