
A Special Place For You And Your Heavenly Father

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray that you were or able to get outside this morning and enjoy the weather God has blessed us with. As usual, I am sitting on my patio, the wind is blowing and very nice and cool breeze, the sun is shining and beautiful white clouds in the sky. Such a beautiful display of God. Praise His Holy Name.

So, as I said in the above paragraph, I am enjoying this beautiful God given morning from the comfort of my patio. I absolutely love being outside when the weather permits me to, especially in the mornings. I find that there is no better place to sit and read the Word, have a conversation with God, sit and listen to my praise music or to sit and write my blog. What better place to write about God than in the midst of His creation. I promise you, it does not get any better than this. How can something so simple as sitting on your patio be so amazing? Because God is in the midst and He makes this experience very amazing for me.

There was a time when everyone was changing a closet in their homes into a prayer closet and I have seen some beautiful prayer closets. I had even taken a spot in our closet and made changed it into my little prayer spot I would go to spend time with God, praying and praise and worship. Just spending that one on one time with my Father and it was wonderful. Sometimes I would go in there and would not want to come out because of the peace I would fill being in His presence. So amazing.

Now that He blessed us with the home that I have always wanted, equipped with all of the things I have always wanted in a home. Including my covered patio with 2 beautiful rose trees right next to the patio, a beautiful set up because I love roses and my Father knows that. So, since I enjoy being out here so much, I have decided to make the patio my version of an outdoors prayer closet. Adding a plant stand in the corner with some beautiful plants which I also love. A small fire pit for when it starts to get cold, because I want to enjoy this spot year round. I already have a ceiling fan and lots of lighting. I found some cute scripture wall art I am going to put on the back wall of the patio. I am really excited about this outdoors prayer closet, meeting God in the midst of His creation.

When my Mother-in-Love was still here, that is one of my favorite reasons for wanting to go and visit her. Although she and I had some awesome times and conversations together, I loved being down there in the country. It was just something about being out in the midst of all of the greenery, the flowers, the fields and pastures, the dirt roads, the little animals and birds running and flying around everywhere. It was so amazing and lets not forget the smell of all of the flowers that you smell in the country. I think that’s why I love being outside when spending time with God under His open sky, I just fill closer because there is no rooftop in between us, just His beautiful sky.

When you think about it, we all have certain places that hold so many beautiful memories and we have certain places that we like to go back to make more memories with family and friends. Why not have a certain place that you use as a place for you and your Heavenly Father to meet everyday and spend that much needed quality time with Him. Making those beautiful memories with Him that’s filled with wisdom, knowledge, peace, love, healing, blessings and so much more. We all know that we can never out give God in anything and He loves us just that much to want to bless us over and over again. Don’t ever make the mistake of spending time with Him to get things, spend time with Him because He loves you and wants to spend time with You.

Loving God for who He is in our lives and not just for what He does or the blessings that He gives us. Make a special place inside or outside that is for just that one purpose, spending time with God. Getting to know who He is and what He is all about. He already knows who you are and what we are all about, so take some time and get to know Him. Getting to know Him as your Heavenly Father as you are the apple of His eye. Psalm 17:8 reads, “Keep me as the apple of Your eye; hide me in the shadow of Your wings.” God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You this morning in the Mighty Name of Jesus, as Your children. Giving You all of the praise, honor and glory that belongs to You. We thank You for giving us the desires in our heart to want to spend that much needed quality time with You. Getting away to a quiet place as Jesus did when He wanted to talk with You. Help us to be able to find a quiet place and make it a place where we can meet with You and be in Your presence. Thank You for making us the apple of Your eye and loving us so much, making us a part of Your Heavenly Family. Amen