
Adjusting Your Focus

Good Thursday Afternoon Blog Family. Today we are almost through another week, still safe and blessed. Praise the Mighty Name of Jesus. Make sure you tell Him thank You today. Because if it were not for God and His Grace and Mercy. You might not would have made it this far. Thank You Father.

I apologize for being late today, we were in the mountains and I had no signal. So, now we are going through Las Vegas and the signal is great. I posted this blog back in 2020 and I decided to post it again as a reminder of where our focus should be.

I have a question for you today. Where is your focus? In other words, what are you focused on? What has the majority of your attention these days? Now, I could tell you what your answer should be, but that would not be the answer some of you may give. If I were to answer that question and I will, my focus is on God. Now, I am not saying that I don’t think about other things because I do. What I am saying is the one thing in my life that I am focused on, that gets my attention everyday. My focus point is God. He is in the center of my life, everything else surrounds Him, He is my focus point.

Whatever it is in life that has your focus and your attention, usually has the rest of you too. It has your heart, your mind, your ears and your mouth. Because if you are focused on it, you keep it in front of you at all times, thinking about it and talking about it. A good example of what I am talking about is the media and covid 19. A lot of people are so focused on covid 19 and keeping up with all the news about it. They can’t think about or talk about anything else. The virus, the positive cases, the deaths, the rising numbers is all they are focused on. It has become part of them and that is not a good thing. What you don’t control will control you, it will eventually consume your every thought. If I am going to be consumed and controlled by something or someone, I would rather it be God Almighty.

This is why it is so important to make God your focus point. Keep your mind and eyes on Him. Don’t continue to focus on the problem, focus on the problem solver. Psalm 18:2 reads, “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,my shield[a] and the horn[b] of my salvation, my stronghold.” Whatever we are faced with that has taken our focus off of God. Just remember He is all knowing and all seeing. He knows what you will need before you do. When we go before Him with a problem, He already has the answer. So please, tell me why your focus should be on anything or anyone other than God?

Leaving you with this. If your focus is not on God, then you need to adjust your focus. You know when you are getting ready to take a picture and sometimes the focus needs to be adjusted so the picture will turn out right. Well, sometimes we need to adjust our focus so that our lives will turn out right and that focus should be on God, always. God Bless 🙂


Father God I come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, asking that You help us to keep our focus on You. Not on our surroundings or what may be going on in this world. We need to keep our mind and focus on the One that’s able to change things, which is You Father. In Jesus Name we pray. Thank You Father and Amen.