
All I Want Is You Lord

Good Thursday Afternoon Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a safe, blessed and God filled day. Full of His grace and mercy which is new every morning. Praise the Name of Jesus.

If you are like me, you are always listening to praise and worship music on the radio or from the play list on your phone. Well, I am always listening to Sirius XM when I am in the car and when I hear a song that touches me, I will add it to my play list. When the words of a song move me and usher me into the presence of God, it’s a keeper. I am sure a lot of you can relate with everything I just said.

So, I heard this song one day last week, “First Things First” by Consumed By Fire. Now, when I tell you this was one of those songs that will stop you in your tracks and get all of your attention. I was in the kitchen cooking hubby some lunch, I turned on my play list and that song came on. I had to just lean over on the cabinet and just listen to it. I played it over and over again. Listening to the words and feeling everything he was singing.

I was thinking, this man is singing a song that describes exactly how I felt about God and knowing all I need and want is Him. It really touched my heart in a way that made me want to go and get in the presence of God. So for those who have not heard this song, I have posted the lyrics below and you can listen to it on YouTube. I promise you will listen to it more than once.

First Things First – Consumed By Fire

All the things that I have held dear
The vanities that whispered in my ear
What would I do if they all disappeared

Riches and fame and all that they could buy
I’ve come to find they never satisfy
What would I gain if my soul’s the price

I don’t wanna love what the world loves
I don’t wanna chase what the world does
I only want you
I only want you

First thing’s first
I seek Your will
Not my own
Surrender all my wants to you
Keep the first thing first
To live Your truth
Walk Your ways
Set my eyes
Lord I fix my face on you
All my desires reversed
To keep the first thing first

I give it all
My life an offering
My heart is yours
So have Your way in me
Your kingdom’s all I wanna seek

I don’t wanna love what the world loves
I don’t wanna chase what the world does
I only want you
I only want you

First thing’s first
I seek Your will
Not my own
Surrender all my wants to you
Keep the first thing first
To live Your truth
Walk Your ways
Set my eyes
Lord I fix my face on you
All my desires reversed
To keep the first thing first

To keep the first thing first
All my desires reversed
To keep the first thing first
To keep the first thing first

First thing’s first
I seek Your will
Not my own
Surrender all my wants to you
Keep the first thing first
To live Your truth
Walk Your ways
Set my eyes
Lord I fix my face on you
All my desires reversed
To keep the first thing first
To keep the first thing first
To keep the first thing first

All my desires reversed
To keep the first thing first

There is nothing else left to say. Just let this song minister to you. God Bless 🙂


Father, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Lord, help us to keep You first in our lives and to want and need only You and nothing this world has to offer. Amen