
Allow God To Direct Your Path

Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family and how’s everyone doing this beautiful day that the Lord has made? I pray that we are all rejoicing and being glad in it and being very grateful and thankful. Praise God.

I have a mouse pad on my desk that has one of my favorite scriptures written on it. As I sit at my computer every morning, that scripture is right there to remind me to trust God no matter what.

The scripture I am referring to is Proverbs 3:5-6 which reads, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” What a powerful scripture and a good foundation to stand on, especially now. Knowing that whatever may be ahead of us, we can always trust God to direct our paths. Psalm 119:105 reads, “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Wow, God is so amazing. He has put everything in the Bible that we need to get through anything we are faced with on our journey.

Another prime example of Proverbs 3:5-6 and Psalm 119:105 is when my Granddaughter Chanell and I go walking in the evenings. There is a very beautiful park and lake that we have chosen to walk around everyday for our exercise time. So, when we arrive, we park and walk to the concrete walking trail and we start walking. Now, if we stay on that trail, we know every time where our destination will be at the end of our walk and at the end of that trail. We can even cross the street and pick up on another trail and walk in a different direction with different scenery, but we still know where our destination will be as long as we stay on that trail. It’s the same each and every time no matter which trail we choose to walk on or which direction we decide to go, our destinations are the same as long as we stay on the set walking trail. If we choose to venture off of our set walking trails, we will end up in an unfamiliar wooded area not knowing where it will lead us.

So, the above example I just gave is the same way I look at those 2 scriptures that were listed above. Jesus is telling us to trust in Him and not ourselves, to acknowledge Him in all things and He will give us direction and keep us on the path that has been chosen for us. He is telling us the He will lead and guide us and even light the way for us if we just trust Him and be obedient. How hard could that be? He has made it so simple to understand and so easy to just follow Him and do what He instructs us to do, very simple. We are the ones that get ourselves in trouble when we are disobedient and think we know more and better than Jesus and get off the chosen path. If we just allow Him to lead and guide us and we just follow, we may not know the destination but He does and that should be enough. He knows what is before us and as long as He is leading and guiding us, we should have not concerns, just trust Him.

So, regardless of what we are surrounded with, things of this world. God has already given us the answer to all of the questions and problems. He knew the things we would endure in this world, this is why we have the Bible. You just have to read it in order to know what you are to do. God has already equipped us with everything we need for our journey. It’s just up to us what we choose to do with our equipment or if we even use it. God loves us too much to make us figure all of this out on our own. He made if very easy for us, but we made it hard by not following His instructions.

I pray that you will think about what was said in this blog today and make any needed adjustments that you need to make. As a Christian, you are a child of God, you belong to Him. God is your Heavenly Father and you need to obey your Father, in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Allow Him to lead and guide you, take care of and protect you. All you have to do is believe, trust and obey. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus as Your children and as humble as we know how. Giving You all of the praise, honor and glory that belongs to You. Father, we thank You so much for setting us on the path You have chosen for us and then leading and guiding us on our daily walk. We ask that You will help us to stay on that chosen path and follow after You. Thank You for loving us enough to take care and protect us the way You do, with so much love. Thank You for You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and for all You have done, all You are doing and all that You will do in the lives of Your children. Amen