
Allow Your Children To See God In You

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Praying that you and your family had an awesome and restful weekend and ready for a brand new week in the Lord. Thank You Jesus.

Well, Blog Family, I am back home once again from my time on the truck with Hubby. I really enjoy my time out on the road with him but it is so wonderful to be back home. That little saying, “there is no place like home” is so true. Praise God.

Anyway, I was sitting here at my computer with my delicious cup of coffee (yum), starting to write my blog. I was thinking about God and how good He is to me and my family. Sometimes in those deep thoughts of God, I can get overwhelmed because it is a lot to take in. Because He has been, He is and I know He will always will be Good.

I was talking to my Grand-Daughter one night she called and she was telling me about my Great Grand-Daughter. She said she was walking through the house and she was doing a lot of talking but not to her. So, she asked her was she praying and she said, “Yes Mommy, I am praying over the house like Granny does at her house.” Let me tell you, that touched my heart in such a way that I can’t even put it into words. Because I walk through the house and pray over the house every night before I go to bed and when she is here with me, she sees me do that. I never thought she was paying that much attention to what I was doing. When she is here with me, if I am feeling under the weather and she knows it, she will come and lay her little hands on me and ask Jesus to make her Granny feel better. She is only 5 years old, but she is still paying close attention as to what is going on around her and she doesn’t forget. She knows how to pray, talk to Jesus and sing praise and worship songs she hears at church. Praise God.

I always say, our babies are never too young for you to get them in the Word of God, there are Bibles, books and Christian shows for every age. So, take the time if you are not doing so already and help those babies to come up in the Word. Let them see and hear you pray and talk to God and not just the good times, but the not so good times as well. Instill in them how to go to God in prayer and build that one on one relationship with Him. Teaching them how to call on the Name of Jesus and pray when they are not with you. Help them to learn some memory scriptures to keep in their hearts so they can pull them out and speak the Word when they can’t get to the Word in the Bible or on their phone.

Proverbs 22:6 reads, “Train up a child in the way he should g and when he is old he will not depart from it.” This is instructing parents and grandparents they should train up a child in the way of God’s wisdom and the way He tells us to do things. If they are brought up learning these truths, it is being instilled in them and it will always be there. There may be times they may stray a little, but they will always remember what they were taught and they will come back. So, love your children enough to teach them the Word of God and how to pray and talk to God, even when they feel they can’t talk to you. Let them know that God is always with them, even when you can’t be. Let them know how important it is to trust God and to be obedient to His Word, just trust Him. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the praise, all of the glory and all of the honor that belongs to You. You are such a good and loving Father and God, thank you for allowing us to be a part of Your family. Thank You for Jesus, the Holy Spirit and our Angels. You are so good to us and we love and appreciate You so much. Help us to teach our children about You and Your Word. Help us to teach them about how much You love us and how You gave Your one and only Son to die on the Cross of us. Help us to teach them about Your precious Holy Spirit and how He is here to teach and comfort us. Give our children the heart to follow after You. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen.