
Apply God’s Word To Your Life

Good Monday Afternoon Blog Family and how’s everyone doing this beautiful day that the Lord has made? Let us all rejoice and be glad in it. Praise God.

Well, today I would like to talk to you about applying the Word of God to your life. Anytime we search the Bible for answers, we need to take those answers and do whatever God tells us to do. You know, there is nothing that we go through in our day to day lives that we can’t find something about it in the Bible. When God gave us His Holy Word, He covered everything that He knew we would face on this journey. He didn’t leave us to figure this life out on our own, He already had all the answers in place for us, all in one place, the Bible. It’s up to us to read our Bible and find out what God has to say about whatever it is we are searching for.

A very good example is when we buy new cars, appliances, electronics or whatever we buy, that product always comes with instructions. Those instructions tells us how to put things together, how to operate them, what to do when something goes wrong and doesn’t work as it should. Whatever the problem that may arise, you can always go back to the instructions and get the answers to make your product work correctly. When driving a new car, there are so many buttons and different gadgets that will allow the car to do so many amazing things. If you want to do more than crank it up, you will need to read your car manual. I know, because when I traded in my last car that I had driven for years, there were still things my car was capable of doing that I had never experienced. Now, the new car that I have had a couple of years, the salesperson had to give a quick class on how to operate it just so I could drive it home. So, pretty much anything we buy today comes with instructions, even the food products we but in the grocery store.

So, if you have to read the instructions that come with your products that you purchase, why would you not do the same for your everyday life. The Bible that God so graciously provided for us is our life manual and you will definitely have to read it to live the way God expects us to live. There is no way you could live this life correctly without the Bible and God knew that. It doesn’t matter what you are faced with or what you may be going through, the Bible has all of your answers. Whether it’s your marriage, your spouse, your children, your family, your finances, your health, your attitude, your mouth or whatever it is. The Bible talks about it all and teaches you to do it God’s way, the correct way. You can become a successful overcomer and a victorious Christian with the Word of God applied to your everyday life. It’s nothing hard that you have to do, just get in your Bible and read it everyday and be obedient to what you are reading. Don’t just be a hearer of the Word but be a doer of the Word by applying it to your life.

God loves spending time with His children and leading and guiding them in the way they should go. There is so much good stuff in the Bible and the more you read and study the more you will want to read and study. You will start looking for times that you can get still and quiet and get in the presence of God and His Word. As you already know, I have been in the country for the past few weeks and I love being out in the open in the midst of God’s creation and pray, walk and talk with Him. It’s just something about being under the open heavens and talking to God, try it and you will know exactly what I am talking about. I had the pleasure Saturday of spending some time with a very dear family member and Sister in Christ. She was telling me how her husband goes outside every night to pray under the open heavens and in the midst of God’s awesome creation. He does this every night when he prays. So, he already knows what I am talking about, it is truly amazing, you should try it.

So remember, don’t just be hearers of the Word, be doers of the Word and apply what you read to your life. James 1:22-25 reads, “22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; 24 for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. 25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.” God Bless 🙂


Father, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus as humble as we know how. Giving You all of the praise and glory that You so rightly deserve. Thanking You , Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all You have done, all You are doing and all You will do in the lives of Your Children. Father, thank You for our life manual, the Bible. Help us to always make coming to You our first choice in stead of our last. Seeking You in all things on this journey we are on, following instructions and doing things Your way, not ours. Thank You Father and we love You. Amen