
Are You Too Busy For God?

Good Monday Afternoon Everyone. Ready for the upcoming week? I pray you are ready because it is here. Praise God. I went back to the very beginning of my blogs and re-posted one that needed to be posted again. Just as a reminder, this is very important.

If your answer was yes to the question in the title, then you are way too busy. God gives us 24 hours in a day and you should spend one of those hours with Him. That one hour you spend with God would make the other 23 hours so much better.

People say, between work, home and kids they have no extra time. To get everything done they need to get done, they could use more than 24 hours. Well guess what? God knew what we needed before we actually knew. So, if He only gave us 24 hours in a day, apparently that’s all He knew we would need. We just need to learn how to manage the time He gave us.

We should be scheduling our time around God and not scheduling God around our time. Setting aside one hour a day to have some one on one time with your Heavenly Father. This is something we should be looking forward to every day. Knowing that when you get in His presence, everything is going to be alright. Walking away with answers to problems, healing’s on the way, answered prayers, heaviness lifted, and feeling His peace. You know the God kind of peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).

So, if you are one of those people that are too busy for God, here are a few suggestions. Let’s take a look at our daily schedules and find that one hour that we actually waste, everybody has one. I have listed a few ways below that could give you that one hour with God:

  1. How about having lunch with God (awesome lunch partner).
  2. Turning the tv off one hour earlier every night.
  3. Going to bed one hour earlier and getting up one hour earlier.
  4. Have a one hour family bible study every evening.
  5. That morning and evening commute to and from work.

Consider the rewards and benefits from giving God just one hour of your time everyday. Time with God is more than church on Sunday mornings and bible study on Wednesday nights. Time with God should be your every day life, all 24 hours. God Bless 🙂