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    God Is Always With Us, Always

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a blessed and safe week. Starting your morning going before the Father for your daily instructions. I had my time with Him this morning and it was awesome. Just being in the presence of God is amazing. When you realize that all you need is in His presence and there is no other place like His presence. When you begin to believe that, your entire life will change. Hallelujah. Today I just wanted to take a few minutes to remind everyone that God is with us. It doesn’t matter what is going on around us or the trials we are faced…

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    Jesus Will Meet You Where You Are

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Good Morning, Good Morning Good Morning. We have made it half way through the week this wonderful Wednesday morning. Make sure you put a big smile on your face and say Good Morning to everyone you meet. It doesn’t even matter if they don’t say Good Morning back to you. It’s not about you. allow them to see Jesus in you. Praise God. Have you ever talked to someone that thought they had to get their life together before surrendering to Jesus? They feel like they have to stop whatever sinning they are doing. Whether it’s an addiction that needs to be broken. It could…

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    Keep Watch and Pray Always

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. Praying that everyone’s having a blessed week so far and staying connected to God. Trusting Him in all things at all times, no matter what. Yesterday during my Bible reading, I thought about a lot of things that are going on in the world around us. Which led me to see what the Bible had to say about all of this chaos we are witnessing today. It was amazing at all of the scriptures that prophesy and warns us about the days that are upon us. This is why it is so important to read and study your Bible, then you will understand more of…

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    Are You Hot, Cold Or Lukewarm?

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Praising and thanking God for another beautiful day that I was allowed to be a part of. Thank You Jesus. Today, I would like to ask you a question that some of you may be able to answer while some may have to think about it. Do you consider yourself and your Christian life hot, cold or lukewarm? First I would like to give you the definitions of each of those words before you answer that question. Cold – lacking affection or warmth of feeling, unemotional. Hot – having a high degree of heat or a high temperature. Lukewarm – moderately warm, showing little enthusiasm.…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I am praying that all of you and your family and loved ones had an awesome week in the Lord. Ready for some good rest and relaxation. Thank You Jesus. Well Family, it’s time for our Friday’s Prayer and today I have used one of my favorite scriptures for our prayer. So, please join in with me as we pray Proverbs 3:5-6. Father God, we come to You this beautiful Friday morning that You have made in the Mighty Name of Jesus as Your Children. Thanking You for allowing us to be apart of another day. We come giving You all of the praise, honor…

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    Keep Your Focus on God

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. I pray all is well as we are heading toward the end of another safe and blessed week. Praise God. Well, this morning I was thinking about next month being the beginning of Fall, which is also the beginning of my favorite time of the year. As I said before, it just seems like this time of the year brings out that really nice part of people that you don’t see everyday. People are a lot nicer, they seem to smile more and in happier moods than usual. Maybe it’s because the weather cools down and it’s not as hot, or maybe because we are…

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    Giving God Your First and Your Best

    Good Wednesday Morning. Well, we have made it half way through the week once again. Being a part of another day that God has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Given another opportunity to show Him how much we appreciate Him and our many blessings. Showing Him how much we love Him with the way we live our lives through His Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. This morning I want to talk about giving God your first and best in everything. When I say everything, I mean everything. Giving God your best life, your best self, your best time, your best tithe (10% or more),…

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    This Too Shall Pass

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a safe and blessed week and being obedient. Filled with God’s grace and mercy which we receive new every morning. Thank You Jesus. This morning I would like to talk about our levels of faith and how much we actually trust God. I know I talk a lot about faith and trusting God, because it is very important. We are very quick to say we have faith, but how much faith do we actually have? What kind of faith do we actually have? Do we have that mountain moving faith that the Bible talks about? Matthew 17:20 reads, “He replied, “Because…

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    Are You Walking Worthy Of The Lord?

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Praying that everyone had a safe and blessed weekend and ready to start another safe and blessed week. Praise God. As I have said so many times before, I have read a lot of these scriptures that I am seeing a lot differently due to the Holy Spirit pointing certain scriptures out to me. It is amazing at how they just jump off of the page at you and your eyes are opened to what you are supposed to see. So, as I was reading the beginning of Colossians, it’s like I was reading it for the very first time. I was actually really excited…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. Praying you and your loved ones had a safe and blessed week. Moving forward into the weekend with God and all of His goodness, blessed and highly favored. Praise His Holy Name. Well, today it’s time for Friday’s Prayer and I am ready, how about you? So, school has started and we need to pray for our children, the teachers and all of the school staff. Why, because covid is on the rise again, another variant of omicron called Eris. Although a lot of people have been vaccinated, a lot of people have not. This is a real mess, but no matter how messy it…