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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. Praying all is well with you and your families. Thank You Jesus. Heavenly Father, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus as Your children. Giving You all of the praise, honor and glory that belongs to You. Thanking You for Your love and protection that we know we have everyday. Help us to enjoy this Christmas season and the reason for it which is Jesus. Keeping Him in the midst of all we do now and forever more. Amen

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    Have A Blessed Christmas

    Good Thursday Evening Blog Family. Praying everyone’s having a safe and blessed week and looking forward toa very busy weekend. I also pray that you will also find a little time to rest. This was the last week and weekend before Christmas. But even in the busy seasons of our lives, we still have to find time to rest. Well, Christmas is almost upon us and there are a lot of things going on right now to prepare. Families on the road or in the air traveling home for this awesome celebration. Mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts and grandmothers are gathering together in the kitchen to prepare that big Christmas meal.…

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    Jesus, The Reason For The Season

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. Today is a beautiful day full of sunshine, although it’s a little nippy this morning. Dress warm and enjoy. Thank You Jesus. This morning I wanted to share a good Bible reading with you about the greatest gift ever given. What better time than at Christmas to share the birth of our Lord and Savior and King, Jesus Christ. Let this be the reason you are celebrating Christmas and make sure to keep Him in it. The Birth of Jesus “2 In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. 2 (This was the first census that took place…

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    A Little Food For Thought

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray you and your family started your day with God this morning, full of His grace and mercy which is new every morning. Praise God. I have a lot of Christian posts on my Facebook page and I read one that was so enlightening, made you think about what you had read. So, I decided that I would share that post this morning as my blog because I thought it was good enough to share with you. Please see post below: “I’m A Christian & I’m Proud Never thought about this before: I have always thought that Noah was safe inside the Ark because…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Afternoon Blog Family, praying all is well with you and your families and loved ones. Thanking God that we all had a blessed and safe week and looking forward to a relaxing weekend. Thank You Jesus. Well, today is Friday’s Prayer, so please join in with me in prayer. Father God, we come to You in the mighty name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the praise, all of the honor and all of the glory that You so rightly deserve. Thanking You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all You have done, all You are doing and all You will…

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    Obeying Jesus Is Loving Jesus

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it Psalm 118:24. So, let’s be obedient this morning in the name of the Lord and go out and rejoice and be glad over this beautiful day that He has made for us. Praise God. I was reading my devotions this morning and one of them was talking about John 14:21 which read, “He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.” What a…

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    A Beautiful Christmas Song

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. We are half way through another blessed week full of the grace and mercy of God. Thank You Father for Your grace and mercy which is new every morning. Praise God. Anyone who knows me, knows how much I love Christmas and that this is my most favorite time of the year. Where Christmas starts for most people in December, I actually start my Christmas season in October. In which I watch Christmas movies, listen to Christmas music and do Christmas stuff. Now when I say I listen to Christmas music, I listen to Christian Christian music which is about the reason for the season,…

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    Let’s Talk About CHRISTmas

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. I pray that you, your family and loved ones are dressed warm and cozy this morning. Going out and starting your day in the Lord, full of His grace and mercy. Praise God. Well, Christmas is just around the corner, we have 13 more days left until the big day. There are those that are very excited and counting down the days, children and adults. Then there are those that can’t wait to sit down to a feast of good food and awesome deserts. Family gatherings, gift giving and all the toys under the beautiful trees. Children that couldn’t sleep the night before because of…

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    Sharing The Love Of Jesus, Our Greatest Gift

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Well, we are starting another new week and given another chance to spread the Love of Jesus. In all things, stop and ask yourself, “What would Jesus do”? If you choose to start your week with this question, you will do the right thing every time. Praise God! So, today I would like to talk about sharing the Love of Jesus all around. The Christmas holiday season is the perfect time to do just that. But not just the Christmas season but for all year round. Spreading the Love of Jesus is basically just loving people the way Jesus loves us, just that simple. Being…

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    Look For Jesus in Christmas

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. We are almost through the week once again and it is all by the Grace of God. His Grace and Mercy is new every morning and so amazing. Thank You Father for loving us so much and for giving us Your Son Jesus Christ. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. A few years ago while putting together the Christmas program at my church. I was in search of the perfect Christmas Poem to be read. Well, I found it and I wanted to share it with you. It is so beautiful and I know you will enjoy it as much as I did and as…