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    The World’s GPS or God’s GPS, Your Choice

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having an awesome week and following instructions and being obedient to God. Praise His Holy Name. I am sure we all at some point have used a GPS, there is probably one in your car. I heard a Pastor talking about his wife using the GPS in her car and still sometimes misses or makes a wrong turn. Then the GPS will reroute her to get her back on track. My husband uses the GPS on his phone when needing directions to a lot of places where he picks up and delivers. I have a GPS in my car as well, in…

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    A Special Place For You And Your Heavenly Father

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray that you were or able to get outside this morning and enjoy the weather God has blessed us with. As usual, I am sitting on my patio, the wind is blowing and very nice and cool breeze, the sun is shining and beautiful white clouds in the sky. Such a beautiful display of God. Praise His Holy Name. So, as I said in the above paragraph, I am enjoying this beautiful God given morning from the comfort of my patio. I absolutely love being outside when the weather permits me to, especially in the mornings. I find that there is no better place…

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    Having Faith Like Job

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family, how’s everyone doing this beautiful morning? It’s a little cloudy and a cool breeze where I am this morning, but it is still a beautiful morning. Why, because God made this day as well as the days filled with sunshine, so either way, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Thank You Jesus. My husband and I were listening to this radio program called “Unshackled.” It’s a program where real life testimonies are being acted out over the radio and it is so good. It is really good and the testimonies of things that people have gone through, some are unbelievable. When I listen…

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    Thank You Father For This Beautiful Morning

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. We are at the beginning of another week that God has blessed us with. Make sure you start your day with God and don’t forget to thank Him for this blessed and awesome day. A day full of His grace and mercy which is new every morning. Praise God. This is such a beautiful morning and I am enjoying every minute of it. I am sitting here on my patio enjoying the light breeze and the beautiful sunshine and writing my blog. I am definitely enjoying my morning and thanking God for my day. I am experiencing so much peace, joy and comfort sitting here…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. Praying you and your loved ones have had a safe and blessed week and ready for a fun, relaxing weekend. Keeping God first and up front in everything. Praise God. Well, today it’s time for Friday’s Prayer and I am ready, how about you? So, it’s almost time for school to start and we need to pray for our children, the teachers and all of the school staff. Please join in with me this morning for Friday’s Prayer and pray for our children and their upcoming school year. Father God, I come to You in the name of Jesus this morning, Your Son and my…

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    Seek God Before You Seek Anything or Anybody

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. I don’t know what the weather is like where you are this morning, probably hot. Isn’t that just like us, when it’s hot, we wish for cooler weather and when it’s cold we wish for warmer weather. We are never totally satisfied, but guess what? God loves us anyway and I am so glad He does. Praise God. This morning we are going to be talking a little bit about the book of Proverbs, about the wisdom and knowledge that comes from God. Like the fear of God, the reverential fear of God that is talked about in Proverbs 1:7 which reads, “The fear of…

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    Forgive Others As God Forgives Us

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family, I pray You are having the most blessed day. A day filled with the grace and mercy of God, which is new every morning. Thank You Father. This morning I would like to talk about something that all of us are familiar with or have been familiar with at one time or another. There has been a time in all of our lives when we had to make a choice to forgive or not to forgive. It is so much easier to forgive than to let the poison of unforgiveness live in our bodies, which harms us in so many ways and cause so many…

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    Do You Need A Heart Transplant?

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a great morning and spreading the Love of the Father this morning, as Jesus would do. Praise God. If I asked you what condition your heart was in, could you honestly tell me or would you even know? As you probably already know, our hearts are a very important organ in our bodies and it plays a very important part. If you have ever noticed, whenever we go to the doctor for anything, the doctor always listens to our heart. Why? Because when the heart is not functioning properly, it can cause a lot of other problems in our bodies. So,…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray that you and your family and loved ones had a safe and blessed week and looking forward to a restful weekend. Praise God. This morning for Friday’s Prayer, I am going to pray one of my favorite passages in the Bible which comes from the Book of Proverbs. Proverbs 3:5-8 (5) Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; (6) In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will direct your paths. (7) Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. (8) It will be health to your flesh,…

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    Thanking And Praising God For Everything

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family and what a beautiful morning it is. Thanking God for this beautiful day that was given to us by Him and we are so grateful. Thank You Jesus. This morning I would like to talk about being thankful and grateful for what God is doing for us. There is not a day that goes by I am not thanking God for something, because I know my whole entire life belongs to Him. Everything I have is because God gave it to me and I trust and believe in Him for all things and everything. He is my Heavenly Father and He takes such good care…