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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed week. Staying connected to God in prayer and just some good alone time with God. Just spending some good quality time with Him and being in His Presence. I know there is no other place I would rather be than in the Presence of my Heavenly Father. Praise God. Well, today I would like to do something a little different today. usually on Friday’s Prayer, I pray for myself and everyone else. Today, I would like to give you an opportunity to pray and say thank you. This is where you will take a moment and write…

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    Forgive Others As God Forgave You

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family and I pray You are having the most blessed day. A day filled with the grace and mercy of God, which is new every morning. Thank You Father. Unforgiveness has many different faces. Such as anger, bitterness, grudges, and hate. Do you allow yourself to wear any of these faces? If so, not only are these faces dangerous, but they are also health hazards. I love the way Joyce Meyer describes unforgiveness in her book, Beauty for Ashes. She says “Harboring unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping your enemy will die!” Wow, that pretty much says it all. You drink poison expecting it to…

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    Eyes Have Not Seen Ears Have Not Heard

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family and how are we doing this awesome morning? It’s probably a little warm where you as it is here, although it is still an awesome day in the Lord. I saw a sign on a church that read, “Hot? Hell is hotter,” very good point. If you can’t take this heat, you need to make sure your home destination is Heaven. Praise God. I was reading my devotion Tuesday morning and Dr. Mark Jones said a lot of things that stuck with me, he made a lot of good valid points. He said, “We must have the ears and eyes of our heart open to…

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    The Life Of A True Christian

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone is doing well and seeking God on a daily basis. Thank You Jesus. I would like to take a few minutes this morning and explain about Monday’s blog that had Wednesday on it. I had a very early travel Monday morning so I went back to 2020 and reposted an oldie but goodie and forgot to change the day from Wednesday to Monday. My Mother-in-Love asked me if I posted a blog for Monday and I told her I did and she said she didn’t see one for Monday. So, I went to check to make sure I posted it and realized…

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    Give God Your First and Your Best

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Being a part of another day that God has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Given another opportunity to show Him how much we appreciate Him and our many blessings. Showing Him how much we love Him with the way we live our lives through His Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. This morning I want to talk about giving God your first and best in everything. When I say everything, I mean everything. Giving God your best life, your best self, your best time, your best tithe (10% or more), your best offering, your best love, your best praise and…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family and what a beautiful Friday it is. Headed toward the weekend for a little rest and relaxation. Praise God. Thupis morning I have chosen Psalm 16 for our Friday’s Prayer. Please see below. Psalm 16 1 Keep me safe, my God,    for in you I take refuge. 2 I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord;    apart from you I have no good thing.”3 I say of the holy people who are in the land,    “They are the noble ones in whom is all my delight.”4 Those who run after other gods will suffer more and more.    I will not pour out libations of blood to such gods    or take up their names on my lips. 5 Lord, you alone…

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    Being A Psalm 15 Christian

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. Today is another blessed day filled with God’s grace and mercy. Aren’t you glad you belong to God? I know I am. Praise God. This morning I will be sharing another scripture reading. When I do my Bible reading and devotions in the morning, I always come across scriptures I feel I need to share. This morning I will be sharing Psalm 15, which is a very short Psalm but very powerful. Please read below. Psalm 15 A psalm of David. 1 Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord?    Who may enter your presence on your holy hill?2 Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right,    speaking the…

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    Being A Mature Christian

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. We are half way through another glorious week. Praise God. Well, this morning I am happy to say I am back in the country. I have been here since Monday and loving it. Up at 6:00 this morning so I could walk at 6:30 and spend that time with my Father and pray before it got hot. As soon as I started walking and talking to my Father, my friend the Red Bird appeared. My heart was happy to see my friend that came to meet with me this morning like many times before. So, I said, “Good morning my friend,” he sat and watched…

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    Christian Living

    Good Tuesday Afternoon Blog Family. Praying everyone’s doing well. Praise God. l got a late start today, was up and out early this morning. So, I will be sharing some scripture reading with you this afternoon from Ephesians 4:17-29. Please read below. Instructions for Christian Living 17 So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. 18 They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 19 Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in…

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    Sometimes It’s The LittleThings

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. How is everybody doing this very cold morning? I pray all is well with you and your family. We are half way through another glorious week and still going strong in the Lord. Praise God. This morning family, I just want to put a few things on your mind to think about and to praise God for. Sometimes we get so busy in life with work, family, kids and other things. We overlook those little things that we may take for granted, not intentionally but we do. Especially during this covid-19 pandemic and having to stay protected whenever we leave the house. Making sure we…