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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. Well, it is the weekend once again, time for some rest and relaxation. Thank Yku Jesus. Today I have posted Psalm 91 for our prayer today, our prayer of protection. There are new viruses popping up, senseless shootings all over the world and a growing concern for our children’s safety at school. We need to pray and what better prayer to pray than our prayer of protection. PSALM 91 Safety of Abiding in the Presence of God 91 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most HighShall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;My God, in…

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    Why Worry When You Have God ?

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s in good spirits today and spreading the love of Jesus wherever you are. Praise God. Well today’s blog is a re-post of a blog from last year around this same time. My Sister-in-Love Jeanine sen me a funny video from last year during our Sister-in-Loves weekend. We had so much fun that weekend and made so many cherished memories. So, I decided to re-post the blog I did the Monday following that awesome weekend. Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend, keeping God in the midst. I know I sure had a safe, blessed and…

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    God’s Blessings, Benefits & Promises For Us

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a blessed week so far. I know I truly am. Thank You Jesus. Well, this morning during my prayer time, the Holy Spirit brought something to my attention. Whenever I do my morning and night time prayers, I always incorporate scriptures into them. Reminding God of His Word, which is for me and not God. He knows what He has promised me, He’s just making sure I know too. So, some of the scripture I pray is Psalm 103:1-5. This morning when praying these scriptures, it was as if the Holy Spirit was pointing out each verse separately to make sure…

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    Living Your Best Life

    Good Tuesday Afternoon Blog Family, praying you and your loved ones are having a safe and blessed week. Expecting great and mighty things to happen today in your walk with Him. Praise God. Today I want to talk to you about living your best life, not just today but every day. You hear a lot of people talk about living their best life and see a lot of advertisements about living your best life. Which is normally talking about something really great going on in your life at that time. Making a very good living, owning all the things you have always wanted, the big house, the luxury car, the…

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    Blessed And Multiplied In The Hands Of Jesus

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family and how’s everybody doing this beautiful morning. Sun out, birds chirping, light breeze blowing. Thank you Father for such a beautiful day. I am sure if you are a Christian, there have been times you have placed something or someone in the hands of our Lord and Savior. I am also pretty sure that you also know that once Jesus gets a hold of it, things change. Because whatever is placed in His hands is blessed, changed and if need be, it multiplied. Take a few minutes and read the Bible reading Matthew 14:13-21 below and see if you can relate. It may not have…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray that everyone’s had a safe and blessed week and ready for the weekend. No matter what the weekend holds for you and your family, remember to keep Jesus in the midst. Do all that you can do to stay safe and trust Him to do what you have no control over. Thank You Jesus. Well, it is time for Friday’s Prayer and today I will be praying for all of God’s children all of over the world. From the youngest to the oldest, because no matter where we are, we are all family in God’s eyes. I am sure you are aware of…

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    Yes Lord, Whatever You Tell Me To Do

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a blessed week so far, seeking God and keeping Him first in all things. I would like to start off this morning with a question. Would you be able tell God your answer to Him is yes, even before you know what He is going to ask of you? Do you love and trust Him enough to always say yes before you know what your assignment will be? Being in that place with God to where it doesn’t matter what He has for you to do, the answer is yes. Romans 8:28 reads, “And we know that all things work together…

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    Living A Christ Like Life

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family, blessed and highly favored children of the Most High. Praise His Holy Name Forever and Ever. So, this morning children of God, it was put on my heart to share some scripture with you. Not just any scripture, but specific scripture on how we are to live our lives as Christians. True Christians following after Jesus, doing life the way He instructs us to and being Christ like. The Bible scripture I shared is from Colossians 3:1-15 and it is a very good Bible lesson to study and remember. Living as Those Made Alive in Christ 3 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your…

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    Always Watch and Pray

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had an awesome 3 day weekend and ready to start another glorious week in the Lord. Praise His Holy Name. We are in Saginaw,Tx this morning, the wind is a little high with clouds, the sun peeps out every now and then which makes for a nice breezy morning. Another day that the Lord has made and allowed us to be a part of it. Giving us another opportunity to praise Him and give Him all of the honor and glory that belongs to Him. During my Bible reading, I always think about a lot of things that are going on in…

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    Happy Memorial Day

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family and Happy Memorial Day. Praying everyone’s enjoying this beautiful day in the Lord. Whether you are at home in the backyard or out at the parks and lakes, please take God with you. Keep Him in the midst of wherever you are and whatever you are doing. Praise God. We are sitting in Amarillo, Tx this beautiful Monday morning, although it’s a little hot it’s still a beautiful morning. I was talking to my daughter yesterday and they were making plans to cook on the grill and get in the pool today. Even though I am not there to enjoy in all of that family…