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    We Are The “My People”

    Good Morning Blog Family. I pray you had a good weekend and ready to start a new week. I know a lot of people are working from home and children are being home schooled, but it is still a new week. Full of God’s Grace and new Mercies every morning. Lamentations 3:22-23 reads, ” (22) Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. (23) They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.” Thank You Father for Your Grace and Mercy. Praise the Mighty Name of Jesus. I know churches have closed their doors because of social distancing. Although the doors are closed, there are…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Afternoon Blog Family. Praying everyone’s doing well and still in good spirits. Spending that quality one on one time with God in prayer. Spending time with your family in prayer as well. What the caronavirus meant for bad, lets turn it around and use it for the Glory of God. Instead of repeating all the negative news the media’s reporting everyday. Let’s talk about how big our God is and how nothing is too hard for Him. This too shall pass. Let’s give God all of the praise and honor and glory in this storm. Praise God. Father God I come to You in the Mighty Name of…

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    Doing Some New Things

    Good Thursday morning blog family. I know I probably caught you off guard this morning, because I don’t usually post a blog on Thursday morning. I wanted to share some new assignments that God has given me to do. So, I started out posting a blog on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Then it was changed to doing Friday’s Prayer on Friday, in which I pray for different things each Friday. It was then placed on my heart to open up a gmail for agodmornig.com. This was in order for people to contact me for whatever reason in private and not on the blog site. So, that was put in place…

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    Stay In The House

    Good Wednesday Afternoon Blog Family. I pray everyone has been staying safe and following all instructions. Especially following the instructions that our Heavenly Father have given us in His Holy Word. Staying in His Word daily and spending that one on one time with Him in prayer as well as with your family in prayer. Bless the Mighty Name of Jesus. As of today, if you are not on lock down and having to stay in , you will be soon. So, instead of complaining because you can’t get out of the house and move around as you are used to doing. Take this time to slow down and rest.…

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    Keep Our Front Line In Prayer

    Good Monday Afternoon Blog Family. How’s everyone doing this afternoon? I am Blessed and Highly Favored and I pray you are too. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Can I get a Amen? Amen. Well, today I want to put something on your mind just in case you haven’t thought about it. We need to keep our front line people lifted up in prayer every day. When I say front line people, I am referring to the doctors, nurses, hospital personnel, ambulance personnel, policemen, firemen, grocery store employees, pharmacy employees and our truck drivers. These people are on the front lines because they…

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    Be Still And Know

    Hello Blog Family. I pray everyone’s still doing well and in good spirits. Staying connected to God and placing all of your trust in Him. Believing what He has told us in Psalm 91, our Prayer of Protection. Knowing that He is protecting us and delivering us from this perilous pestilence. Praise God. I would like to first apologize for not posting a Friday’s Prayer. I logged on Friday to post and the system was down on their end, not mine and I was not able to write or post my blog. So. I am doing a blog today (Sunday) and will be back on my regular schedule Monday morning.…

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    Father God, Forgive Us

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray this blog finds everyone in good health and in good spirit this morning. Thanking God for allowing us to wake up this morning in our right mind. Whole, healthy, healed and complete, from the crown of our head to the soles of our feet, in Jesus name. Praise God. Well, this morning I would just like to remind you if you haven’t already, to get before God today in prayer. Asking him to forgive us of all known and unknown sin in our lives. Pray for this world to do the same, to fall on our faces and ask God to forgive us…

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    Wake Up Call

    Good Afternoon Blog Family. I pray everyone is doing well and still in good Spirits. Having your daily time and prayer with our Heavenly Father every morning and through out the day. If you do not spend time with God in prayer, now is a good time to start. Praise the name of Jesus. I just want to speak a little bit this afternoon about your salvation and your relationship with God. I know that everyone is concerned about the coronavirus pandemic and you should be. In order to follow government guidelines that have been set in place. Because even though we pray and stay connected to God, He does…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s doing well and in good Spirits. Staying connected to God and continuing to trust Him in everything. Praise God. I know for this week I have only been posting Psalm 91, and I have been posting it for a reason. Psalm 91 is our Prayer of Protection and I want you to get that down deep on the inside to where it just comes out automatically. If you have not memorized Psalm 91, you need to so that you will be able to pray it anywhere and at anytime. Bless the Name of Jesus. So, I am going to post it for…

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    Prayer of Protection

    Good Wednesday Morning. Praying everyone having a safe and blessed week. Today I decided to post Psalm 91 once again, being it is a prayer of protection and safety. Especially with this coronavirus going around. Please, please, please stay prayed up and connected to God for you and your families, loved ones and friends. Make Psalm 91 a part of your prayer every day and stand on the Word of God. Believe and trust what He says in His Word. Psalm 91 1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most HighShall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;My God, in…