
Basking In The Father’s Love

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray all is going well with and for you and your loved ones this beautiful morning. I do apologize for not posting a blog on Monday. I left Monday morning very early going out of town for a couple of appointments and returned late in the afternoon. So, I decided to just wait and get back on track this morning. Praise God.

Well, today lets stop for a brief moment and think about the love of our Heavenly Father. I was reading my devotions this morning and one of them was talking about a father’s love for his children. It made me think about how much my Heavenly Father loves and cares for me, for us. Even though our earthly father’s may care for us and love us, their love still cannot compare to the Father’s love for us. There is no love equal to or greater than the love of God, never has been and never will be.

Sometimes when I am sitting and reading or having some me and Daddy time, I get overwhelmed. Because I will start to think about how much He loves me and how He takes care of me. No matter what I am going through or what stumbling blocks I have come up against. I know that He holds me in His hands and He will make everything ok according to His plans for my life. Even when I mess up and don’t follow His instructions completely, I know that He still has me and He still loves me. I know that nothing can change the love He has for me and I can’t do anything so bad that He will not still accept me with those loving and forgiving arms. Waiting for me to run to Him and just fall in His arms and ask Him to forgive me for whatever and He does.

God is so good to us and we need to acknowledge that. He loves us with a love like no other. When we wake up in the middle of the night with a problem on our minds, God is there for us to talk to. When we are faced with situations that we don’t know how to handle, God is there to instruct us. When we have choices and decisions to make that we are not sure about, God is there to lead and guide us. When we are all alone and just feel lonely or unloved, God is there to hold us and love us. No matter what the issue may be, God is there and He will always be there. If you ever get to a point to where you can’t feel God anymore, it’s not because He has left you. It’s because you have left Him, because He tells us in Deuteronomy 31:6 that “He will never leave you or forsake you.” So, just stay connected to God and His love and allow Him to be to you what He has promised He would be, a loving Father.

So, the next time you sit down to spend some time with Father God, take a moment and think about how much He loves you. I have a chair in my living room that I have named my God Chair, because that is the chair I sit in and pray and talk to my Heavenly Father. In the middle of the night if I wake up or I go to bed and can’t go to sleep, I will get up and go get in my God Chair and talk to Him. After I have talked about whatever is on my mind, I sit back with my blanket and I envision His loving arms wrapped around me, just holding me and loving me. I just sit there and not even realizing it, I am waking up and then I will go get in the bed and continue my good night sleep.

He is so amazing and I love basking in His love, no matter what time of day or night. He loves us non-stop 24/7 and it feels so amazing. Get in your spot that you go to when you are spending time with God, allow Him to love on you as you love on Him back. I promise you will walk away feeling all of the love you will ever need. God Bless 🙂

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