
Be Consistent In The Word

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a blessed morning and enjoying this beautiful day. Praise God.

Well, this morning we are in Waco, Tx and the weather is very nice. Partly sunny and partly cloudy, nice cool breeze blowing and it feels amazing. I’m not sure what the temperature is, but whatever it is I am enjoying it. Thank You Father for all days, especially days like this.

So, I have a routine every morning when I get up. I do all of my morning hygiene stuff, then I have my prayer time with my Father, I then proceed to do my morning excercise’s, take my BP and BS readings and then I have my breakfast. After breakfast I post my blog if I have a signal. After my blog is done I do my Bible reading and my devotions. Now, some mornings I may not be in the mood for the excercise’s, but I do them any way and when I finish I am so glad I did. Because I feel amazing.

You may be wondering why I shared my morning routine with you. Well, it was to make a point about being consistent in things that we know we should be doing. Like getting up every morning and getting in the Word before you get into anything else. God’s Word should be the first thing we read in the morning before we start our day. Not Facebook, text messages, emails, Instagram, Twitter, Snap Chat or any other social media item. Because those things will not do anything for you. Now, please Don take what I said the wrong way. Social media is ok to be a part of, just not before God and His Word.

Can you imagine how your day would go if you went to the throne before you went to the phone. Instead of grabbing your phone when your eyes open, grab your Bible and get before the Father. Thanking Him for waking you up and allowing you to be a part of another day. Be as consistent with the Bible and the Word of God as you are with your phone and social media every morning.

If you are not starting your day with God, this is something you should start doing. It would be a great benefit to you and God loves spending time with you. Spending time with God every morning is being obedient and His favor follows obedience. Hosea 4:6 tells us that His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge and because you have rejected knowledge He will also reject you and even your children. I put the scripture into my own words, so please read Hosea 4:6 in your Bible.

So, as I said earlier, be consistent with the things that we need in our everyday lives. I am consistent with my morning routine because it all works together for my good and keeping my temple healthy and strong. Just as reading the Word everyday helps us with our Christian walk. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus this morning as humble as we know how. Thanking You for another opportunity to come before You with our praise and thanksgiving. Help us to be consistent when it comes to reading and studying Your Word every day. Thank You and Amen.