
Being Completely Consumed By God

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a wonderful weekend and ready to start another glorious week in the Lord. Praise God.

I wanted to share a little bit of my devotion this morning because it was so good. Although, my devotions are good every morning, I had to share some of this one. The person that wrote this devotion is Maddie Rey and the name of her devotion is “Living A Life Consumed By God.” This was an 8 day devotion and when I tell you it spoke to and touched every part of my being. So, I want to share what she said on the 7th day of the reading which is titled, “Giving God Our Everyday Lives,” along with the prayer. Please read below:

Day 7: Giving God Our Everyday Lives

The Holy Spirit desires to be included in your day-to-day life. Not only to be included but also to lead you throughout your day, where He orders and directs every step you take. Giving God full control can be a real battle to submit and surrender our life and our will fully. However, your perspective and priorities change when you go through a personal revival. Instead of just wanting more of God in your life, you start wanting to give God more of your life. When you ask God to consume you, even in moments of temptation, you allow His fire to cleanse you right at that moment; you allow Him to control your mind, will, emotions, body, and decisions. He begins to help you overcome the temptations you face.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I want to surrender my everyday life to you. I ask you, Holy Spirit, to help me fully submit my will to you. I am grateful that you want to be included in every detail of my life. Today I want to commit to living a life consumed by you. I surrender my will to you, Father, and ask you to lead, guide, and direct me in my life. Not my will be done, but your will be done in my life! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Was that not amazing? I read devotions every morning after my prayer time with God, and enjoy what they add to my daily walk with the Lord. These devotions I have been reading this past week about “Living A Life Consumed By God” has been the best one yet and I have read some awesome devotions. I think because this devotion touched on some things I have been praying and talking to God about, it became very personal.

In reading what I posted above and then praying the prayer, it touched me so strongly. Having a very strong desire to do exactly what the devotion and prayer was saying. Instead of just wanting more of God in my life, start wanting to give God more of your life. Wow, that was it right there, so powerful. If you would like to read this entire week of her devotions, you can find it in YouVersion Bible, which is the Bible App on your phone and you can also pull it up on your computer or tablet. It would be well worth you finding it and reading all of it, so anointed. Enjoy your day. God Bless 🙂


Please pray the above prayer with Maddie Rae’s devotion. It is a very good prayer to read and to live. Amen