
Being In The Presence Of God

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. We have made it to the half way point of another glorious week, still safe and blessed in the Lord. Praise God.

This morning I would like to talk a little bit about staying in the presence of God throughout your day. Now, you may not think that is possible but it is very possible and I will explain how. First I would like to tell you about this amazing man that I read about in a devotion that I read. His name is Brother Lawrence (1611-1691) and he was a lay brother in the Parisian Carmelite Order. He taught that “our whole purpose is to adore God and to love Him, without worrying about the rest.” I would also like to share one of his thoughts, “Remembering God, praising Him, asking for His grace, offering Him your troubles, or thanking him for what He has given you will console you all the time. During your meals or during any daily duty, lift your heart up to Him, because even the least little remembrance will please Him. You don’t have to pray out loud; He’s nearer than you can imagine.” Wow, that was amazing and I will share a little bit more in Thursday’s Blog. You will probably want to go to Amazon and get a copy of his book too when I finish sharing the devotion.

Now, you all know that when I read an awesome devotion or hear an anointed praise and worship song or come across a need to know scripture, I am going to share it with you. So, for the rest of this week I will be talking some more about Brother Lawrence because his life and living for God was amazing and it needs to be shared. I am planning on buying his book titled, “The Practice Of The Presence of God,” so that I can read more than just the devotion. From what I have read about him in my devotion and how he continuously practiced the presence of God makes me want to know more about this. Because if there is a way that I can stay in the presence of my God more than I already do, I want to know about it.

Sometimes when I go before God and in His presence, I don’t want to leave. Being in the presence of God is a place I could stay in and never leave. That feeling that you have knowing that it’s just you and Him and basking in His love can get very emotional and that is a place I want to always be. I know He is always with me because His Word tells me that in Deuteronomy 31:6 which reads, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.” So, I know that He is always with me and I am ever so thankful and grateful, although when I go before my Father and in His presence, just me and Him. That is something totally different than Him just always being with me. If you have ever been in the presence of God, just you and Him then you know exactly what I am talking about. Being in the presence of God takes you to another level and it always leave you wanting more of Him.

We have so much going on in our everyday lives and so many distractions, that we sometimes put God on the back burner for when we have a little extra time. That is not the way it is supposed to be, He needs to always be in front of everything and everybody else, bein our first choice. Our time should be worked around everything and everybody, not God. Getting in His presence first thing every morning and receiving our instructions for the day and then being very obedient. This is what our Christian walk should be like allowing Him to lead, guide and order our footsteps. Which would make this a much better and easier journey for us. God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the honor, praise and glory that belongs to You. Thanking You for loving us and caring for us the way You do. You are such a good, good Father and we love and appreciate You and all You do for us, Your children. We ask that You give us a heart to want to continuously be in Your presence and in Your Word. Basking in Your love and never wanting to leave Your presence. We thank You for Your Holy Word that You have blessed us with to know how to live this Christian life the way You intended. We love You. Amen