
Being Refreshed

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family and what a good morning it is. Another beautiful day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it. Thank You Jesus.

If we pay close attention to our surroundings after it rains, everything is always cleaner and much brighter. After a rain, everything has been freshly washed, cleansed and refreshed. All of the greenery looks new and shiny and all of the flowers are standing tall. New plants and grass begin to sprout when the sun comes out after a refreshing rain. Isn’t God amazing? Not only does a nice soaking rain shower affect nature, it also affects us if we have time to sit and watch the rain and listen to it. I have done just that and I find that it can be very calming and relaxing to me.

There have been times at night that I am having a hard time getting to sleep. So, I reach for my phone or my tv remote control and I turn on a rain and thunder storm. I will lay there and listen to the rain and the thunder as it relaxes me and calms my mind to where I will eventually fall asleep. Then there are other times that I have turned on the Word of God and lay there and get the same affect as I get from listening to a rain storm. I will start to get very relaxed and my mind starts to calm down and I find myself drifting off to sleep. The only difference between the two is that, the sound of the rain relaxes and calms my mind and I fall asleep, where the Word of God also relaxes me and calms my mind and it fills me with the Word as I fall asleep.

I believe so strongly that’s what the Word of God does for us every time we read our Bibles or listen to the Word. No matter what we are going through or what we have been through, the Word of God refreshes us. He refreshes us with His promises to us as His children. He refreshes us with that cool breeze or that cool drink of water we may be needing. The breeze and water that we can only get from Him, nobody else or nowhere else, only Him.

For me, anytime I get in the Word or get in the presence of my Heavenly Father, I always come away refreshed. It doesn’t matter what kind of day I am having, His refreshing touch is always available to me and to all of you. God is so good to us and He loves us so much. Spending time with Him is so amazing and there are such great benefits, always.

So, getting in the Word or getting before God is very needed in order to be refreshed. Whether you know it or not, whether you believe it or not. You need a daily refreshing from God, in your health, your family, your finances, your marriage, your children, your everyday life. Go now and take a drink of the Living Water and be refreshed. God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus as humble as we know how. Giving You all of the praise, honor and glory that belongs to You. We thank You for always being there for us and with us whenever we need You to be and being what we need You to be in our lives. You are such an awesome and amazing Father and we love You so much. We thank You our Heavenly Father, we thank You for Jesus our Lord and Savior and we thank You for the the Holy Spirit our comforter and teacher. Thank You for always being available to us and being who You are to us. Thank You for that refreshing that we can only get from being in Your Word and in Your presence. Amen