
Believing & Trusting In God

Happy Monday Everyone. Today is another opportunity to please God in all we do and say. The way we treat others and most importantly, the way we represent Him. Let’s make our Heavenly Father proud.

I would like to talk to you today about believing and trusting in God. Two key words in this message, believing and trusting. So, I decided to look up the definition of these two very important words, and this is what I found. Believing is to accept something that is true. Trusting is a firm belief in the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing.  Some people think because they believe, the trust is there and some think because the trust is there so is the belief. That is not always true. Two different words and two different meanings.

So, when you say that you believe what you read in the Bible, what God is saying to you in His Word.  You are accepting that the Word of God which is the Bible is true.  When you say that you trust God, you are saying that you are believing in the integrity, ability and character of God.

So, my next question is how much do you believe, and how much do you trust God?  When you go to God in prayer and He puts a scripture on your heart, what do you do with that scripture? Do you take that scripture and read it, study it, chew on it and meditate on it until you get everything out of it that God is saying to you?  Do you truly believe that you can take that scripture and apply it to your life and allow it to minister to you the way it was intended to? Or do you just read it and move on?

Believing and trusting God for anything is more than just reading our Bible and praying. It doesn’t matter if we are praying for a healing, a marriage, finances, or whatever it may be. We have to dig deep into the Word and find those scriptures pertaining to what we are needing. Believing and standing on  what we are reading and trusting God to bring it to pass. 

I am guilty of this and some of you may be as well.  How many times do we go to God in prayer, finish praying, go to the phone and call up a family member or a friend and you talk to them about the same thing you just finished praying to God about? When we should go to God in prayer, trusting and believing in Him, and leaving it with Him. But that is not what we do. We call up someone that can give us their thoughts and advise as to what they think we should do. We take that advise and it fails, then here we go back to God and wondering why our prayer has not been answered. Question, who were you believing and trusting in, God or your family member or friend? Whose advise did you take, God’s Word and scripture or your family member or friend’s advise?

We should get in the habit of seeking God first, trusting and believing in Him. Not making Him our last resort or after that worldly advise didn’t work. God can see ahead of us and already knows what the outcome will be if we listen to Him or if we don’t. So, why not save ourselves a lot of unnecessary disappointment. Go to God first, believe what He says and trust Him to bring it to pass. And even if He doesn’t do things the way we thought they should have been done. Still believe and trust in Him. He knows what’s best for us better than we know ourselves. And what He does is going to be so much better than anything we could have done on our own.

So, the next time you’re faced with a situation that requires you to go to God in prayer and seek His knowledge and wisdom. Don’t just run in and run out, get comfortable and stay while. Say what you have to say and wait on God to say what He has to say. He always places those scriptures on your heart that will be exactly what you needed. Take Him at His Word and believe what He says and trust Him to do what He says He will do. Remember, God does not make mistakes, we do. God Bless 🙂

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