
Cast Your Cares On God Because He Cares For You

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend and ready to start a new week in the Lord. Praying that you started your day in His presence and prepared to follow all instructions you were given. Thank You Jesus.

I apologize for not posting last week, I had something but not sure what it was. I tested negative for covid, flu and strep, although I had a lot of the symptoms of all of the mentioned illnesses. My husband also became ill with some of those same symptoms I had so we were just trying to take care of each other and get better. So, it was decided that I had a very bad sinus infection and given antibiotics, although a sinus infection is not contagious, so I am not sure what we had. We are doing a lot better than we were, still have a good ways to go to get back to 100%. Through it all, God is faithful and I know we will get through this too. Praise His Holy Name.

Back in August of 2023, I started taking Ozempic for my type 2 diabetes because I was seeing how great my brother and my sister’s A1C numbers looked like, they were great. I decided that I wanted my numbers to look like that too so I could get off of the medication. Well, as it turned out, I was on it for about 4 months and as of December of 2023 I had to let it go. It had started to do a number on my digestive system and my stomach and it was no fun at all. It go so bad to where I could not use the bathroom without some kind of laxative and that got old real fast. If I didn’t use the bathroom I would have awful stomach pains and nausea. So, with a lot of doctor visits, over the counter medications and a lot of prayer, God got me through it. As of this month September, a year later. My digestive system was healed and my stomach is back to normal and I thank God everyday for my healing. Because I know without a doubt He answered my prayers.

God is faithful and He will do exactly what He says He will do in His Word. That is why I believe every word that is in the Bible and not just because of things I have heard but because of things He has brought me through. My faith, trust and belief in my Heavenly Father has brought me through more things than you could ever imagine.

Proverbs 3:5-6 reads, “(5) Trust in the Lord with all you heart, And lean not on your own understanding; (6) In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” This scripture is one of my favorite scriptures because it has been proven to be true so many times in my life. Sometime in life, our understanding seems to be the right choice or the right thing to do and that is not always true. God knows everything, He sees everything, He hears everything and He is everywhere. He knows what we are thinking and He knows what we are going to do before we even know. This is why it is so important to seek Him and trust Him no matter what. It doesn’t matter if you understand it or whether it even makes sense to you, just be obedient and do what You are instructed to do.

God knows what we need better than we know ourselves. He is an awesome God and a good, good Father and He loves and cares for us so much. 1 Peter 5:7 reads, “Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” No matter what that care may be, He is always there to do what only He can do. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the praise, all of the glory and all of the honor that belongs to You. Thanking You for Your Holy Word and leading and guiding us every 24/7. You are an amazing God and Father and we love You so much. Thank You for taking care of us and protecting us from all harm and danger. Help us to always seek You and to always follow You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Amen

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