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    Starting Your Day With God

    Good Thursday Afternoon Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a safe and blessed week so far. One more day until the weekend and a time of rest and relaxation in the Lord. Praise the name of Jesus. Thank You Lord. I was reflecting back on a teaching I recently heard on the importance of giving God your first every morning. Starting your day with Him before you start anything else. I was thinking, that was the very reason I named my blog site “Mornings With God” and my blog “agodmorning.com. Because it is very important to start your day with God, very important. I have found in my own personal…

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    Allow God To Change You

    Good Wednesday Afternoon Blog Family. I pray you are experiencing a beautiful afternoon as I am experiencing this afternoon. It is truly a masterpiece, absolutely breathtaking. Standing once again and looking out my back door, simply beautiful. Everything is so green and the sun’s shining, beautiful blue sky with white fluffy clouds. God so is amazing. Before I get started this afternoon, I would like to take a few minutes to say thank you to all of my blog followers, my blog family. Thanking you for your support for the 4 years I have been blogging. This month “Mornings With God” is celebrating a 4 year anniversary. It was 4…

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    Wait on God And Trust Him

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a safe and blessed week so far. Take some time today if you can to get outdoors and enjoy this beautiful weather God has blessed us with. My granddaughter and I go walking every evening around the lake. Sunshine, cool breeze, water, ducks, turtles, butterflies, trees and flowers. Walking in the midst of God’s creation and under an open heaven. Sometimes we even walk and listen to praise and worship music. Amazing. Today I would like to share a few verses from the Book of Psalm. I believe they will bless you this morning, if you really think about what you…

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    Are You An Imitator Of God?

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Well, we are starting a new week and I pray everyone has been before the Father for weekly instructions. Now that we have received those instructions, make sure to be obedient and follow what you have been given. Thank You Jesus. This morning I would like to share some scripture with you, which I believe is a great way to start a Monday morning. Take this as just a little reminder as how we as Christians are to walk in this journey God has blessed us to be on. In Ephesians 5:1-21, the scriptures are very simple as to how this is to be done…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Afternoon Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed week and ready for the weekend and some relaxation. Praise God. Father, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus giving You all of the praise and glory that belongs to You. Thanking You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all that You have done, all You are doing and all that You will do in the lives of Your children. Always being the good Father that You are and we love You so much and so very thankful. Lord, help us to believe and trust You more in our daily lives, seeking You in…

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    All I Want Is You Lord

    Good Thursday Afternoon Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a safe, blessed and God filled day. Full of His grace and mercy which is new every morning. Praise the Name of Jesus. If you are like me, you are always listening to praise and worship music on the radio or from the play list on your phone. Well, I am always listening to Sirius XM when I am in the car and when I hear a song that touches me, I will add it to my play list. When the words of a song move me and usher me into the presence of God, it’s a keeper. I am sure…

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    Just Be Still And Know That He Is God

    Good Wednesday Afternoon Blog Family. I pray everyone’s doing well, continuing to stay safe and blessed. Being obedient to God and being very grateful for all He does and for who He is in your life. Praise God. This afternoon Psalm 46 was brought to my attention. So, as I read the Psalm, I felt this was a great Psalm to share with all of you this stormy afternoon. Just as a little reminder to be still and know that He is God. God the Refuge of His People and Conqueror of the Nations To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of the sons of Korah. A Song for Alamoth. Psalm 46 46 God is our refuge and…

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    God Is Our Refuge and Our Fortress

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. Praying that you started your day with God and trusting Him with your day. Thank You Jesus. This morning during my prayer time, I was praying Psalm 91 and immediately the words refuge and fortress jumped out at me. So, I thanked the Holy Spirit for giving my what I was to blog about this morning, because for those 2 words to jump out at me like they did, it needed to be talked about this morning. Psalm 91:2 reads, “I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” So, when you read this scripture, what does…

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    Don’t Let The Devil Or People Steal Your Joy

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend and ready to start a new week in the Lord. Praise God. So, this morning I was talking to my husband and he seemed to have been a little grumpy, not his usual happy self. Now, I could have let this put me in one of those moods that probably would have ruined the rest of my morning and our conversation. I first asked him if he was ok because he sounded a little grumpy and then I made the decision to get off the phone and talk with him a little bit later in the…

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    The Bible Has Your Answers

    September 23, 2019 Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s doing great this morning. No matter what today holds for you, remember what Jesus said in Matthew 19:26, “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” So, go out there believing you can do anything with God’s guidance. It doesn’t matter what situations or circumstances we are faced with. God has already worked things out for us before they even surface. Because He knows what is going to happen and what we are going to go through before we know. Whatever stumbling blocks that are set to trip us…