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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray you and your families have had a safe and blessed week, ready for a weekend of relaxation and some family time. Keeping God in the midst of whatever plans you may have. Thanking Him for allowing us to be a part of another day that He made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Praise God. Well, today is Friday’s Prayer and I just want to pray for everyone this morning. So Father, I am praying for all of of Your children from the youngest to the oldest. As You know, we have had some very horrific storms and tornados this past…

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    Make Time For God, Jesus And The Holy Spirit

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. I pray that you had your time with the Father this morning before starting your day. You can’t expect to receive all of the blessings He has for you everyday if you don’t go before Him and spend time with Him. Just as we loved spending time with our earthly fathers, we should want to spend time with our HeavenlyFather even more. Praise God. Today I would just like to talk to you about some things that you already know, just giving you a little reminder in case you have forgotten. There is not a day that goes by you should not be communicating with…

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    Starting and Ending Your Day With God

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Thank you Father for another beautiful and blessed day that You have allowed us to be a part of. Waking us up this morning and starting us on our way in You. Another God filled day full of Your many blessings and answered prayers. I wouldn’t want it any other way. When my blog site went live in May of this 2019 and I posted my first blog. I can’t believe I have been doing this for 5 years and have enjoyed it every step of the way. I have talked about the importance of starting your day with God in my past blog posts.…

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    A Great Day Is Coming

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. I pray that everyone’s having a safe and blessed week so far. This morning I will be posting scripture reading for today’s blog. I decided to on this because in reading the book of Revelations, I wanted to share a message from Jesus to all of us. I am sure you have read it before, so accept this as a reminder. All Things Made New 21 Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. 2 Then I, [a]John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a…

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    Seek God Before You Seek Anyone Or Anything Else

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I don’t know what the weather is like where you are this morning, probably hot loke it is here. Isn’t that just like us, when it’s hot, we wish for cooler weather and when it’s cold we wish for warmer weather. I just kind of laughed at myself and grabbed my husbands hoodie and now I am warm, lol. We are never totally satisfied, but guess what? God loves us anyway and I am so glad He does. Praise God. This morning we are going to be talking a little bit about the book of Proverbs, about the wisdom and knowledge that comes from God.…

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    Your Mind Is Not A Dumping Ground

    Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. Here we are once again, in the middle of a glorious week. Going forward with a thankful heart and with the leading and guiding of our Heavenly Father. He is so good to us, how can you not be thankful. Praise His Holy Name. I was reading a book by Joyce Myer “Battlefield of the Mind”, in which I have read before. She updated the book and added more things that God had given her on dealing with our thoughts and mind. So, I am reading the updated version of “Battlefield of the Mind” and it is as awesome as the first book. As I…

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    Seek And You Will Find Him

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone’s having as beautiful of a morning as I am. God is just so good to me and I love Him with everything in me, He is my everything. Prayerfully you feel the same way. Praise His Holy Name. I do a Bible reading plan where I will have read and studied the Bible in a year. I really like this plan, because it gives little short testimonials that goes along with the Bible reading for that day. So, not only am I reading and studying my Bible, I am also learning a lot of things I wasn’t aware of. So, my Bible reading…

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    Awesome Words To Live By

    Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed 3 day weekend and ready start a fresh new week in the Lord. This week is supposed to be filled with daily rain, so do your best to stay dry. Praise God. Today my blog post will be another great reading from the Word of God, which is always a great way to start the week. Some good church on Sunday and some good scripture reading on Monday morning. Today I would like to share Ephesians 5, in which I am sure we have all ready many of times. So, read, be refreshed and enjoy. EPHESIANS 5…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. Praying that you and your loved ones had a safe and blessed week in the Lord and will have a safe and blessed weekend as well. I will be doing a little traveling for the weekend. So, I decided our prayer of protection would be a great prayer for Friday’s Prayer. God Bless 🙂 Safety of Abiding in the Presence of God Psalm 91 (NKJV) 91 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most HighShall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress;My God, in Him I will trust.” 3 Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the [a]fowlerAnd from…