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    A Drink Of Living Water

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone had a great weekend and ready start a new week with God. Hallelujah! I have three green plants sitting in front of my glass door in the living room. One day I was walking by them and I noticed they were a little droopy and needing to be watered. So, I proceeded to water them and within a few hours, I noticed they were standing tall and flourishing was again. When they are watered and cared for, they are so green and beautiful. As I was caring for my plants, I thought about our lives as Christians. How when we are weak and…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray this blog finds everyone happy and in good spirits today. I would like to share a beautiful and anointed praise and worship song written and sang by Sinach with you this morning. Because of the words of this song, this will be our Friday’s Prayer. Be Blessed! “Way Maker” You are hereMoving in our midstI worship youI worship youYou are hereWorking in this placeI worship youI worship youYou are hereMoving in our midstI worship youI worship youYou are hereWorking in this placeI worship youI worship you Way makerMiracle workerPromise keeperLight in the darknessThat is who you areWay makerMiracle workerPromise keeperLight in the darknessMy…

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    What God Says About Love

    Good Wednesday Afternoon Blog Family. I pray everyone is safe and blessed this beautiful afternoon. I apologize for my blog post being so late today. I had an 8:00 appointment out of town this morning and had to get up and leave very early. So, I am just returning home and sitting down to post my blog. Thank You Jesus. We all have our own perspectives of what we think love is or should be. There is only one love and it is more than butterflies in the stomach and hearts skipping beats. It is the love of God and He describes this kind of love to you in 1…

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    Here Am I, Send Me

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend. Although it was really hot, it was still a beautiful weekend full of sunshine. Also praying that everyone started their day and week off with God this morning, trusting Him in everything. Praise God. Isaiah 6:8 reads “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, Here am I. Send me!” Does this sound like an answer you would give the Lord? If He were to give you a place to go or something to do. Would you be obedient or make excuses…

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    Fridays’ Prayer

    Good Friday Afternoon Blog Family. Well, we made it through another week, praise God. Whole, healthy, healed and complete in the Mighty Name of Jesus. It is time for Friday’s Prayer and today I will be praying for our Black boys and men, our Black race. I posted this prayer before, but I felt the need to re-post. Although some things have changed since this was first posted. The four officers responsible for the death of George Floyd has been arrested and charged. Thank You Jesus. Please join me in prayer. Father God, I come to you in the name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior. First giving You all…

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    Christians, Watch And Pray

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. How’s everyone doing this beautiful morning? You may ask, how is this a beautiful morning with everything that’s going on in the world? Well, I can say that because it is a gorgeous sunny day and I belong to God and this is a day that He has made. So, that makes it a beautiful morning, to me. Praise God. I look at what is going on in our world today and how things have changed. When you go to the Bible and read about things that will take place during the end times, it makes you stop and think. Is this what we are…

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    Calling All Prayer Warriors

    Good Monday Afternoon Blog Family. Praying everyone had a safe and blessed weekend. Since my last blog on Friday, there has been a lot of anger, rage and destruction that has transpired. Children of God, we have got to step up our prayer life and come together and pray prayers that bring change in the hearts of people and in our land. Praise God. James 5:16 reads, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” So, we are a righteous people through Jesus Christ if we are His children. Romans 3:22 reads, “This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.” So, we need to…

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    Friday’s Prayer

    Good Friday Afternoon Blog Family. Well, we made it through another week, praise God. Whole, healthy, healed and complete in the Mighty Name of Jesus. It is time for Friday’s Prayer and today I will be praying for our Black boys and men, our Black race. So, please join in with me in prayer. Father God, I come to you in the name of Jesus, my Lord and Savior. First giving You all the Glory, all the Honor and all the Praise You so rightly deserve. Thanking You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all You have done, all You are doing and all You will do. Lord, we know…

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    Stand and Face Your Goliath

    Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s week has been safe and blessed so far. If you get up in the mornings with praise to our Heavenly Father on your lips, then I know your week has been and will be good. Praise the Mighty Name of Jesus. This morning, I want to bring a Bible story back to your remembrance to help you get through some tough times in your life. Those tough times that are so big or so long lasting that you don’t know from one day to the next how and if you will make it. Well, let me assure you that there is nothing…

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    Walking in Paul’s Shoes

    Good Monday Morning Blog Family and Happy Memorial Day. Praying everyone had a safe and blessed weekend and ready to start a new week. I would like to honor all of the military men and women today, that lost their lives protecting our country. I am so thankful and grateful for their bravery and dedication. Thank You Jesus. I have been reading about the life of Paul, and it has truly been a journey and a blessing. Paul endured so much because of his faithfulness in Jesus Christ. He was arrested, beaten, put in jail, ship wrecked, snake bitten, lied on and in and out of court for things he…