
Check List For Christian Marriages Or Relationships

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray all is well with you and that you have been before the Father this morning. Following his instructions and being obedient and ready to move forward in all that He has for you. Praise God.

Sunday morning while waiting for my husband to rise and shine so that we could have our church. I started to think about what I wanted to blog about this morning. I have a file on my computer that has a lot of notes and writings from my marriage retreats, speaking at church and programs. So, as I was reading through some of the topics, I came across one that stuck with me. I had one specific one in mind that I wanted to talk about, but this one stuck so I felt like this is what I was supposed to blog about.

So, this morning my blog is for the Christians who are married, in a relationship or thinking about getting married. I did some research on this when I was preparing for a marriage retreat workshop and I have to say, it went really good. There are a lot of things in a marriage or relationship that sometimes you never even think about and then it gets over looked. There are a lot of problems faced in marriages and relationships that are never corrected but may be an easy fix if we just stop and take the time to think and pray about it. I have listed a few things to think about and then pray about if you need the extra help. Seek God, not family and friends for needed advice for a successful and happy marriage or relationship. God Bless 🙂

                                   SOME THING’S TO THINK ABOUT

  1. To the wrong person you will never have any worth, but to the right person you will mean everything.
  2. If you only knew who you were married to. When you don’t know what you’ve got, you don’t know how to treat it. When you don’t know the value of something, you don’t know how to take care of it.
  3. When you perceive wrong, you receive wrong.
  4. You will not live an obedient life with a closed Bible.
  5. You cannot have a successful marriage without a relationship with God.
  6. Nothing ever changes until your mind changes, renew your mind. Get rid of your old way of thinking, your negative thinking, your defeated thinking. God said to renew your mind and He will renew you. When you change your thoughts and the way you think, then you will change.
  7. When you encounter Jesus, everything changes, nothing stays the same.
  8. Every now and then, your tears will pray a prayer that your words never could.
  9. You should be so close to Jesus that your spouse will have to go through Him to get to you.
  10. You know when things go wrong in our marriage and in our relationships and we decide we are going to pray about this.  We’re going to seek God and ask God for His help and advice. Then you say, well I prayed about it but things got worse or nothing changed. That’s because you did not do what God instructed you to do, so nothing changed. When and if you go to God, follow His instructions.
  11. Going that extra mile to make your spouse feel special. Doing something special for your spouse, not only makes them happy but it makes you feel good as well. Try surprising your spouse and see how it makes both of you feel.
  12. Are you still doing the same things you were doing when you were dating, trying to make a good impression.  Now that you are married, are you still fixing yourself up, looking good, smelling good, etc. Are you still putting forth that same effort?
  13. There is always room for improvement in your marriage.  Don’t always evaluate your spouse, evaluate yourself.  What are you bringing to the table, what are putting into the marriage? If you put good things into the marriage, you will get good things out of it. If you put bad things into the marriage, you will get bad things out of it.  If you put nothing into the marriage, you will get nothing out of it.
  14. The way my God loves me and the way I choose to love my God, in returns helps me to love my husband the way he needs to be loved. You can love your spouse with unconditional love when you know how much God loves you and you love God back. I had someone tell me that I have spoiled Gary, no Gary is not spoiled Gary is loved, there’s a difference.
  15. How often do you say I love you to your spouse? How often do you show your spouse that you love them? Even though I tell Gary every day that I love him, he would know even if I didn’t say it because I show it as well. Love is more than just a word, it is also an action.