
Christianity Is A Lifestyle

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. I pray you and your families are having an awesome week so far, especially on this beautiful Spring morning. The sun is shining, a cool breeze blowing and the birds are chirping, so amazing. Thank You Father for such a beautiful day.

Yesterday I took my daughter and grandchildren to the store and my granddaughter stayed in the car with me. So, she was telling me how amazing it was the way I pray and talk to God everyday. She is 10 years old, but she is very attentive to things that are going on around her. She tells me that before she takes her tests at school, she always quotes Philippians 4:13 which reads, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” She memorized and have been quoting this scripture since she has been in school and she is a honor roll student. It is a blessing to me for her to know that at this early age in her life that prayer changes things. She already knows that she can do all things through Christ, so she already has the victory in Jesus. I know she sees her Mom reading her Bible and praying and she sees that same thing when she is visiting me. This is what we should be instilling into our children and grandchildren, things that will help them stay connected to God.

As we were talking about how much I pray and talk to God, I told her that’s what you are supposed to do. Being a Christian is not just praying and talking to God when you need something from Him. Being a Christian and living the way God instructs us to live in His Word is a lifestyle. You have to build that one on one relationship with God and you have to fellowship with Him everyday. Talking to Him throughout the day, praising and worshiping Him for all He does and for who He is. Getting up every morning and acknowledging Him before you even start your day. Spending time with Him in prayer and in silence in order to get our instructions for the day. Once you start giving God your morning, it doesn’t feel right when you don’t, it feels like you are missing something and your are. Being in the presence of God in the mornings or any time is like nothing you have ever felt before. Being in His presence makes you want to just stay right there and never leave.

I think I have a not so happy nerve in my leg that gives me a little discomfort from time to time from hurting my back a few years back. So, last night that nerve was not very happy and it was causing some pain in my leg that actually woke me up. So, I lay there for a few minutes thinking about going to the doctor, when I had the urge to get up and go to my prayer spot and talk to the Great Physician about my leg. Let Him instruct me on what I needed to do. I have a big comfy chair in the living room where I either sit in and talk to God or I will kneel down in front of the chair and pray. I know God is everywhere and all over my house, but I have always envisioned Him sitting in that chair when I sit and talk to Him from my chair I normally sit in. So, I got up and went to the living room and sat down in my prayer chair and talked to God about my leg. When I finished talking to Him, I started to get up like 3 different times but I couldn’t, or maybe I should say I didn’t want to. Sitting there talking to Him was so awesome and I was even answering questions I felt in my heart that He was asking me. I just really did not want to go back to bed, I just wanted to stay right there in His presence. It was amazing and after the 4th time of starting to get up, I finally got up and went back to bed. This was 3:30 in the morning and I love those kind of mornings with Him, even in a little pain, it was still wonderful.

I shared the conversation between myself and my granddaughter because it really blessed me to see how much she payed attention to my Christian walk. Children are paying attention and listening to us when we don’t think they are. So, always be that good Godly example that the little ones in your life need in their life every day. Your everyday walk with God can speak to them in a way that you can’t. Always allow Jesus to be seen and heard in your day to day life, because you never know who’s watching and listening to you. Your Christian lifestyle may be the only church someone may ever get. Make them want what you have, which is Jesus. God Bless 🙂

One Comment

  • willie moore

    what a awesome talk with your grand daughter we all should have that kind of talk with our children. love mom