
Continue To Show Love

Good Monday Afternoon Blog Family. I pray everyone had a great weekend. I apologize for being so late today, but there were some technical difficulties on my website end. So, now that it is all clear and back up and running, I can proceed with my Wednesday blog. Thank You Jesus.

This morning while in my Prayer Closet, something was brought to mind that I would like to share with you this afternoon. Just thinking back to all of the terrible things we have gone through in the past. Such as the terrorist attack on our country on 9/11. The horrific tornado that tore through Garland a few years back and did so much damage, the flooding of the city of Houston, Tx, and I could go on and on but I am sure you get the picture. All of those horrible things that happened, we would always come together all over the world and do what we could do to help.

Now we are dealing with this coronavirus and there are people everywhere offering to help those in need. People are willing to share their food if you have none or not enough. People are donating money and making masks to help out wherever they can. People are showing kindness and love toward one another. You know, the kind of love they show during Christmas, yeah, that kind of love and kindness. Which is a very good thing and it should be happening, but not just when something horrible happens or at Christmas. This love and kindness and willing to help should be there everyday, even when things are going great.

Look at how people all over the world are praying and coming together in prayer. Everyone’s praying and standing on Psalm 91, posting scriptures, holding online bible studies, and on and on. This is the way it should be every day, not just when we are in trouble. Maybe if this went on all of the time from the depths of our hearts, then maybe we wouldn’t have to deal with so much troubled times. Keeping God up front and in the midst of everything, everyday. So, don’t just let this happen during the coronavirus, let it continue when it’s all over. Helping, loving, and being kind to one another through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. God Bless 🙂


  • Cassandra Chivers

    Good morning my sister! Amen. That is so true. If we would operate out of love on a daily basis and stay humble; we may not have to endure so many catastrophes.
    Thanks for the word!

    Love & Blessings