
Do More Than Just Read The Word, Study The Word

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. We have made it halfway through another week once again, with the leading and guidance of the Lord. Praise His Holy Name.

So, I had decided to take a Book of the Bible in the New Testament and do a complete breakdown and study of it. I wanted to read, learn and study everything about this Book and know how to apply it to my everyday life. I love the Book of Ephesians because it tells us the type of Christians God expects us to be and all of the do’s and don’ts. I was talking to God about the book that I had chosen to do my in depth study on and I felt I made a good choice.

Later that night when it was time to turn in for the night, it was still pretty early but I was sleepy. So, I got ready for bed and said my prayers and called it a night. I know from past experiences, that when I go to bed as early as I did, I will wake up over in the night and will not be able to go back to sleep and that is exactly what happened. I woke up around 1:30am and I was up for the rest of the night, so I got busy. I did some reading, some praying, added things to my calendar for June and then I decided to watch some preaching and teaching on tv. When I pulled up who I wanted to listen to, she was talking about teaching from the book of Ephesians. Now, you know that got my attention real fast because of my previous conversation with my Father about studying the book of Ephesians. So, to me that was my confirmation that I was on the right track and now I could move forward.

I don’t know about you and how you react when you see God in the midst of what you are doing. Especially, if you have talked it over with Him and then He confirms it in a way that You are not expecting. I was so excited, I even saved the teaching so I could go back and listen to it again and make it part of my personal study. I love the Word of God and when I totally understand it and can successfully apply it to my own life, I love it even more. So, sitting down and studying the Book of Ephesians verse by verse and chapter by chapter will take some time, a lot of time. I will not be in hurry and I am going to take my time to make sure I understand what I am studying and not miss anything that God is saying to me. I want to know everything. 2 Timothy 2:15 puts it this way, “Study to show thyself approved unto God.”

I think this would be a good assignment for all of us as Christians. I am sure we all sit down and read our Bibles, but are you studying what you are reading. I noticed one day that I sit down and read what I am going to read and then I am up and moving on to the next thing. Now, I do remember a lot of what I read and will think about it from time to time. I want more than that when I read, I want to know that I have been seated at the Masters Feet and I am walking away full of the Word. Being able to sit and think about what I read and studied because it is in me, it has become part of me. This is what I am going after and I know the Holy Spirit is there to help me and teach me every step of the way. Praise God.

So, the next time you sit down to read your Bible and spend some time in the Word. Take it a step further and grab a pen and a note book and do some serious Bible studying. Let the Holy Spirit lead you and teach you to become the Christian that God wants you to be. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the honor, praise and glory that belongs to You. We come asking that You give us the heart to want to do more than just read the Bible. Give us heart to want to study and get everything out of it that You are giving us with the help of the Holy Spirit, our teacher. Help us to take what we learn and apply it to our daily lives in a way that makes You proud. Amen