
Do What You’re Told

Good Monday Morning. I pray everyone had an awesome weekend and ready to start a new week with God. I am ready and excited about all that I know God is going to do in my life this week. As Bishop TD Jakes says, “Get Ready, Get Ready, Get Ready,” and I am ready. Praise God!

We had a very good lesson in Sunday School yesterday. This is why I absolutely love Sunday School. It puts things on your mind that you may not be thinking about, but should be. This weeks lesson was about doing what God tells you to do, in other words being obedient. We all know we are supposed to be obedient to God, but sometimes we are disobedient. Can you imagine how our lives would be if we obeyed God all of the time? James 1:22 reads, “Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” Very simple, do what you’re told.

What about the time when God told you to do something, say something or go somewhere and you didn’t do it. You can probably look back now and see the blessings that you missed being disobedient. That blessing you missed could have been the answer to something you had been praying about. Your answered prayer could have been in your obedience to God.

If we were to get in the habit of just doing what He tells us to do, whether we understand it or not. If God said do it, just do it. Don’t worry about the details of why, God has already taken care of that. Because He doesn’t tell us to do anything that He does not equip us to do. God knows what He is doing and He doesn’t make mistakes. He loves us and everything that He tells us to do is out of His love for us. You do know He loves you, right?

When I stop and think about all that God has done for me and all that He has brought me through. It makes me want to be obedient and do what He tells me to do, because I know amazing blessings will follow my obedience. We cannot out do or out give God, no matter what you do or how much you give. As the song says “My God is an awesome God, He reigns from Heaven above, With wisdom, power and love, My God is an awesome God.” Yes He is and Amen! Have a blessed and obedient week. God Bless 🙂