
Don’t Let The Devil Steal The Word

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Praying you had prepared for this winter storm blowing through all over the map. So, please dress warm when going out and drive safely if there’s any snow and or ice accumulations on the roads. Just pray before you leave the house and take God with you. Praise God.

You know the Bible tells us that as soon as we get a good Word, the devil comes immediately to steal it. Mark 4:15 reads, “Some people are like seed along the path, where the word is sown. As soon as they hear it, Satan comes and takes away the word that was sown in them.” We already know that the devil is a thief because John 10:10 tells us, “The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy.” So, anytime you find him slithering around, you already know he is up to no good.

You may ask, how is he able to steal the Word that has been planted in us? Well, he can come on and steal the Word from you in a number of ways. Such as, doubt, unbelief, lies, deceit, distractions or whatever he can do to keep you from standing on that Word. Distracting you in ways that will take your eyes off of God. Questioning the Word that has been put in you and even questioning if it’s God or not. Causing you to look at the world and the flesh more than you look at God and believing and trusting His Word in you.

I have a very good life example of how he slithers his way in. One morning my husband and I had just finished our devotion and praying about some things. Now keep in mind, we are on this truck and together 24/7 which we are loving it. So, during our devotion and prayer time we always pray over ourselves and each other, asking God to help us keep our marriage and relationship pleasing to Him. Making sure we talk and treat each other with respect and to always love each other the way He loves us. No sooner than we were done, we were having a conversation about something and I don’t even remember what it was now. My husband made a comment or said something and of course I took it the wrong way and my feelings were hurt and I decided I was just going to be quiet the rest of the whole entire day, (so petty). He asked me a couple of times during the day what was wrong with me and of course I just said nothing and kept being quiet. Now, the next morning I decided to share with him why I was so quiet the day before as I was asking God to forgive me and then asking him to forgive me too. He said, why didn’t you tell me when I asked you what was wrong? Well, that would have just been too easy, huh?

So, after I explained my quietness from the day before. My husband reminded me of the prayer we had prayed asking God to help us to talk and treat each other with respect. The devil came immediately to steal what we were believing God to have already done in our marriage and relationship. I allowed him to slither in and take what my husband had said the wrong way, which distracted me from our prayer and the Word we were believing God to bring to pass in us. We immediately asked God to forgive us and rebuked and kicked that old devil out. You have to stay focused and stay alert at all times, because you never know when he will raise his old lying and deceitful head.

Just as he deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3:4-7, by telling her that God did not mean what He said the way her and Adam had perceived it. The devil kept talking and she kept listening until he had her believing the lies he were telling her. She was distracted from the truth, the Word God had given Adam and he had passed on to her. The devil came immediately to steal the Word and replace it with a lie and she believed it. We have to stay in the Word and pray that God will help us to recognize the devil when he makes his appearance and be ready to crush his head and kick him out. Don’t listen to him because whatever he is saying or showing you is nothing but a lie, that’s all he can do is lie, the truth is not in him. So, stay focused and alert at all times and beware of that old slithering and lying devil. God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You in the name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Asking that You help us to stay rooted and grounded in Your Word. Keeping our minds and hearts focused and alert as to when that old serpent is slithering around. Fill us with Your wisdom and knowledge to know when we are being deceived and lied to. Thank You and Amen.