
Don’t Let The Devil Steal Your Joy

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone had a great weekend and ready to start an even greater week in the Lord. Thank You Jesus.

Well, I don’t know what the weather is like where you are. I am in Garland this morning and it’s cold and the rain is coming down. It’s supposed to rain the entire week, so just be careful if you have to be out in this rainy weather.

I met up with my husband Monday so I will be on the truck with him for the next couple of weeks. Although I am away from home, I will continue blogging on the road. Which is good because I am always shown things to blog about. The Holy Spirit always equips me no matter where I am, and I am grateful.

So, I was really excited about meeting up with my husband and going on the road with him for a couple of weeks. We went to Walmart and did some shopping for the truck and proceeded on our way. He decided we were going to go to where he was loading Monday morning and spend the night there so we would already be there and not have to be in that morning traffic.

After making it to our destination, we started to put things up and get situated. So, we ate dinner and started getting ready to go to bed. Now, I am telling you this to show you how the devil tries a to come and still your joy. Especially when you and your spouse are enjoying time with each other and you know the devil hates a good marriage.

Now own with my story. I was in the back moving a few things around under the bed storage area. I bent down to pull a container from under the bed, raised up and hit my head very hard on the handle that was on the top bed. That hurt so bad all I could do was sit for a minute holding the side of my head, I almost felt sick at my stomach. So, of course I prayed I didn’t have a concussion and didn’t go to sleep for a while.

After that little incident, I went to bed and was sleeping good and I felt a cramp trying to form in my leg which woke me up. I used to get cramps in my legs when I did a lot of walking, but I can’t remember the ladt time I had a leg cramp , especially at night. If you have never had one, they are very painful so consider yourself blessed. I never leave home without my icy hot in my purse because never know when a cramp decides to show up. So, I got up, started praying and rubbing on icy hot and that’s all I needed. Thank you Jesus.

Now, I could have let all of that put me in a very bad mood, because all of the attacks included pain. We all know that pain can put you in a not so nice mood real quick. I got up this morning to spend my time with my Heavenly Father and the first thing I did was thank Him for keeping me ladt night. I thanked Him for not being knocked out from me bumping my head and for not allowing that cramp to hang around too long. I always try to find something good to be thankful for in not so good situations and it works. Although, I do have a small bump on the side of my head and my leg is avlittle sore from the cramp. I am with my husband and still happy and enjoying my time with him.

I said that to say this, no matter what, do not let the devil steal your joy when he attacks. Pray, do what you can do and trust God to do what only God can do. Believe me, it works everytime. God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the praise, honor and glory that belongs to You. Thank You Father for equipping us with the tools we need when we are under attack. Prayer always changes things, whether up front or behind the scenes. You are always working things out for us and we say thank You. Amen

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